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After University... At 18:00

You came back home getting shocked..
You were waiting for him to come..

After sometime...
Jungkook came inside and there was a awkward silence...

Jk: I.... Didn't know....
Y/n: umm... I thought.. you were... In different University.
Jk: Actually today only I got selected. I also didn't know you are in Seoul University.

Y/n: can we...... Keep our relation... Secret
Jk: as you wish.. I also wanted to clear everything with you.
Y/n: Thank you
Jk: It's okay y/n.
Y/n: Jungkook-ssi.. go get Changed.. I'm making dinner..
Jk: yeah..

Next day......
You both got ready for going to university.

Jk: y/n.. if you want we can go together. I'll drop you before university.
Y/n: umm jungkook-ssi I don't want anyone to get suspected.
Jk: I'll drop you before university. You can walk few distance right?
Y/n: ok..
Jk: great. Come out. I'm in the car.

After some time.....

Y/n: I think you should drop me here.
Jk: yeah. Take care ok.
Y/n: yeah..

Then he went to university leaving you.. you walk few distance and went to university.

Reaching university , you were welcomed by his fangirls.. you don't like them. They always lay their filthy eyes over him. He is your husband and you want his attention only on you.

On the other side, jungkook don't give a shit to his fangirls. He just walk past them.It was your life

After 3 months.......

It's already been 3 months and you both got close. You care for him, always take care of his things and his health. He also care for you alot. Hugs were common between you both.

Still there are his fangirls but you both didn't talk about this. You still have insecurity that he'll leave you for anyone because you both still didn't confess each other.

At University...
In the class....
It was the time for jungkook's class.

Lia: Omg... It's handsome professor's class..
Y/n: shut up Lia..
Lia: why you always get angry when I call him handsome , hot , sexy.. (you slap her hand)

Y/n: he's our professor Lia..
Lia: why do I feel like you like him.. you can take him he's not my type though.

You felt nice when she said he's not her type.. you felt like no one is taking him away from you. But still the fangirls are head over hills for him.

Jungkook enters the class...
Everyone again start drooling over him.

Jk: Good morning everyone. Today we'll be learning about integrals...

No one was listening what he was saying almost everyone were looking at him.

After sometime...
He was busy explaining. No one was interested in learning.. you were listening to him but his stare was making it difficult for you to focus..

Then you heard something which made you sad and also angry...
                 🔞SLIGHT SMUT🔞

Aisha: he's so fucking handsome.. I just wonder how will he feel inside me.. (she said in seductive tone)
Bella: yeah he's sooo hot. Just look at his biceps. I'm sure he also have six packs abs.. I wonder if he's married or not?
Aisha: shut up.. he's mine. I'll try to seduced him and I'm sure he'll marry me.
Aisha: he'll fall for me. I just want him to destroy me and fuck me in every possible way.
Bella: you think very much..
Aisha: I don't think he has anyone in his life..
                        SMUT END

After hearing them, you were hurt. Your expression changed.. jungkook saw you and noticed your change in expression..

Jungkook also knows that no one is learning in his class. Few of them pay attention.
But suddenly your expression changed.
And also class got over...

After jungkook went back. You don't know but tears suddenly come in your eyes.. you rubbed them..

Lia: what happened?
Y/n: nothing. I think something went inside my eyes..

After University...

You reached your home. You were upset.

The main reason you are upset was. You also don't know he loves you or not. You like him but you don't know his side.

Jungkook came back....
Jk: I'm back.

You didn't said anything...you didn't even went to him... Everyday you go to him and welcome him with sweet smile but today was different.

Jk: y/n what happened? Something wrong? You were also looking different in my class?

Y/n: I'm fine jungkook-ssi.

You tried to avoid him. You don't want to talk with him now. You were hurt.

Jungkook noticed your change in behaviour.

Jk: dinner is ready??
Y/n: yeah it's ready.

After that you both went to sleep.. you didn't talk that much to him..

After 1 week....

Jungkook noticed that you were not talking with him. It's been 1 week and it's killing him. He was not able to hear your sweet voice. He want to see your sweet smile.


Maybe it's a little bit boring. I want you all to comment your opinion💗💗

TO THE VIEWER:— Guys it's going to end soon. Do you want me to continue it after their confession or end it there only.. please comment💗

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