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It was holiday....

It's been a week you are behaving differently and that didn't go unnoticed by jungkook. Jungkook noticed your change. He also wanted to talk. You never gave chance to jungkook to talk... Either you'll make any excuse or he'll be busy...

You both started liking each other. But you were insecure and hurt. Jungkook was trying to talk with you...

In kitchen....

Jk: Good morning y/n.
Y/n: good morning jungkook-ssi.

You were cooking and not giving a glare to jungkook which hurt him.

Jk: what happened to you? I'm noticing from past 1 week. You are not even talking. Something happened?

Y/n: no no I'm okay...
Jk: look at me y/n.
Y/n: jungkook-ssi I'm telling you nothing................

She can't continue. Jungkook pulled her and turned her around. Jungkook held her shoulder..

Jk: why? What happened?? I know something is bothering you. Tell me?
Y/n: it's nothing jungkook-ssi. (You said looking down)

Jk: FOR GODS SAKE TELL ME Y/N (he shouted)

You flinched and tears formed in your eyes.. you were looking down... Jungkook took a deep breathe and come towards you and said...

Jk: y/n I'm sorry for shouting at you. Tell me if something is bothering you hmm. I should know right. I'm your husband (he said very gently)

You started sobbing. Jungkook got worried for you..

Jk:y/n I'm sorry for shouting. Please..

You were trying to Remove his grip from your shoulder.

Y/n: please leave me jungkook-ssi. I don't wanna talk now.

Jk: what happened to you. Why are you behaving like this?

This time you were pissed off.

Y/n: what happened to you jungkook-ssi? (You shouted) Why are YOU behaving like this? Like you care for me?

Jk: What are you saying? I do care for you. I'm your husband.
Y/n: you are my husband that doesn't meant you LOVE me.

You both were shouting ar each other.

Jk: do you know what you are saying? How can you say that I don't love you?
Y/n: Then what do you mean? You love me?

Jk: y/n can you tell me why are you thinking like that? (He said calmly)
Y/n: see I know you don't love me.
(Your tears started flowing)

Y/n: I know you don't love me, I know you don't even care for me while I'm here thinking that you love me.

Jungkook was shocked

Y/n: But i don't think you do the same.
You started sobbing.. jungkook came to you..

Y/n: please don't come to me. I know you don't love me. Please stop all the fake concern.

Jungkook was also broken by your words... you were crying badly.. jungkook came towards you and hugged you tightly.

Jk: Why you think like that. I LOVE YOU TOO Y/N. I love you from very long time. Never say like that.

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