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Next day....

It was Holiday. Jungkook woke up and realised a heavy weight in his left arm. He turned around and saw your head on his left arm and your right hand on his chest. He smiled looking at you.

He was admiring your face. He removed some strands of hairs from your face and saw your beautiful face. After sometime you opened your eyes and saw him looking at you...

He become nervous...

Jk: good morning love..

You blushed at the nickname..

Y/n: good morning jungkook-ssi.. how many nickname you wanna give me??
Jk: I have many, depends on the situation.

You smiled and get up to do your morning routine...

After sometime you came back doing your morning routine...

Y/n: jungkook-ssi go fresh up..

After that you went downstairs to make breakfast and jungkook went to fresh up...

At dining table....
Jk: what are you gonna do now??
Y/n: I'm going to study now. You are going to take test soo.. what are you gonna do??
Jk: I have works.. I'll be in my office room if you need any help come to me ok.
Y/n: yeah..

Time skip...

You were studying but you were not able to solve maths problems. So you thought to ask jungkook...
You went to his office and knocked the door.
Jk: y/n it's you.. You can come without knocking also.

You came in and saw him doing his works..

Jk: what happened y/n ?
Y/n: Jungkook-ssi if you are busy I can come later.
Jk: no no I'm free tell me? Any problem?
Y/n: ummm I was having doubts in the questions..
Jk: ohhh Come here. I'll tell you .

You came and sit beside him .

Jk: honey you are lucky that your husband is your professor..
(You blushed at his statement)

Jk: Everyone is dying to seduce me and you are my wife.

Y/n: stop it..
Jk: why are you shy??

You became Tomato.. your cheeks were totally red..

Y/n: are you telling the Problem or not?
Jk: ok ok. Lemme see the question.

Jungkook started explaining you. You were totally immersed in his explanation.. jungkook looked at you but his mind was mesmerized by your beauty.

Your simplicity is thing which jungkook loves the most.

You noticed that jungkook was looking at you. You become nervous..

Y/n: jungkook-ssi..

He looked into your eyes.

Y/n: umm jungkook-ssi (you said slowly)

Jk: sshhh be quite..

He started coming close to you started getting nervous.. he came dead close to you...you can feel his breath.

Jk: you are looking so beautiful.

He said touching your cheeks. He tucked your hairs behind.

Y/n: jungk.....
Jk: ssshh. (He put his index finger on your mouth)
Jk: let me love you honey.
Jk: Do you believe me??

He asked looking into your eyes.
You nodded.

He came close and kissed you in your lips. You didn't know what happened. You were shocked. Jungkook was busy kissing you.

You felt so good when he kissed you. After sometime you also kissed him back...

You both were making out BUT the moment got spoiled when both of your phone got notification in same time...

Jungkook stop kissing you and looked into your eyes.

Jk: Love you baby.
Y/n: Love you too jungkook-ssi.

You were just blushing... Jungkook got up and brought his phone and checked the notification...
Meanwhile you were also checking your phone..

After reading notification you both looked towards each other..

Jk: you also got that notification?
Y/n: you too??

Jk//y/n : oh gosh...

Y/n: so next week is semester party.
Jk: and we all are invited.
Y/n: it's nice...
Jk: yeah.

Time skips.....
Next day....

Again a new day but the same routine...
Going together , dropping you before university , walking , attending classes, again coming back together.....

After 3 days.....
In class.

Jungkook's class was going and again the girls were commenting.. you were feeling disgusted by their comments but deep inside you know that he's only yours..

Aisha: let me seduced him.. I know he'll come in my trap.
Bella: but what will you do?
Aisha: just wait and watch.

Aisha: sir.. I have a doubt..

She stand up and asked.

Jk: yes..

Jungkook came towards him..

Jk: what's your doubt?
Aisha: sir.. Can you please tell me this..

She said in seductive manner and started being clingy on him. Jungkook didn't notice it.. he was busy explaining and Aisha was enjoying it. She bent down to show her cleavage then your anger took over you.

Jungkook also noticed what she was trying to do. So he step back and explained her.

Aisha: thank you sir(seductive)
Jk: try to behave yourself. And concentrate on what is being taught , then you'll not get doubt.

Aisha: yea sir. (Seductive)

Jungkook rolled his eyes and started explaining again.
You were totally pissed off by the scene.

At your home.....

You came getting angry and sad.

Jk: honey I know why you are angry. I also scold her right?
Y/n: but why did you went to her? You already know right she's like that only.

Jk: Honey as a professor it's my duty to solve her doubt.
Y/n: And as a wife it's my feelings to feel like that.

You don't know but tears started forming in your eyes.

Jk: Honey why are you crying?

He came and hugged you.

Y/n: I'm scared.
Jk: why honey?
Y/n: There are so many beautiful girls than me. What if you fell out of love?
Jk: don't say that which is never going to happen. I only know one girl who is beautiful , who can make me flutter , who has nice body , who is special to me and that's you.

You were crying on his chest and he was rubbing your back.

Jk: stop crying now.
Y/n: I'm still angry on you... Don't talk to me..

You said and went to your room..

-TO BE CONTINUED....❤️❤️❤️

Guys please tell me if you are liking it or not??

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