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After 6 months.......
You and jungkook become really close with each other. In few weeks you are going to be graduated....
You both were becoming like real couple.. Always Caring , Loving and jungkook showed a different personality of being Romantic...

In University....

Jk: ok class.. Today we will end here.. in next class I'll continue.

It was break time...

Jk: Miss. Y/n , come in my office.
Y/n: yes sir..

Jungkook left from there and you understand why he called you.
You went infront of his office and knock the door.

Jk: come in.

You went inside but jungkook was in his laptop..
Y/n: ahem ahem...

Jungkook looked up and saw you.
Jk: oh honey. Finally you are here. I was waiting for you only.

Jk: Did you lock the door?
Y/n: yeah... Jungkook-ssi why you always call me here?
Jk: Because ....
(he Stand from his place and came towards you and hold your waist)

Jk: I want to spend more time with you. We barely got time for each other. In morning we are in the University.. then you go home but i have to stay here for sometime. Then at the evening you have to study and I have work.. so we only get time in the night and sometimes we are really tired that we barely talk.

You can see the pain in his voice. As a newly married couple you both want time for each other. You too want to spend more time with him.

Y/n: hmm you are right. Sometime it feels like I say it to the whole University that you are my husband.

He chuckled at your statement..

Jk: Hmmm... You don't have to do that.. I'll inform the Dean and the principal about our relationship.

You got tensed...

Y/n: but what if....
Jk: don't worry... You don't know the history of this university..

Saying this he started laughing...

Y/n: what??
Jk: sit. I'm saying...

Then you both sat and started talking.. jungkook told you that there were times when teachers and the students had relationship.. so it's not a big deal here... Hearing this , you were Really happy. You wanted to scream to the world that he's your man.

Jk: now let's eat . I'm really very hungry.
Y/n: oh wait. Lemme Bring something.
Jk: no no wait... Let's share what you have.
Y/n: yeah sure.

Then you both ate your lunch , talking and having romantic talks...

Y/n: Now i should leave , I think...
Jk: yeah..

Then you went to your class....

Aisha: hey bitch.. I'm noticing. Nowadays you are going in mr. JEON'S office alot. Are you trying to flirt with him?

Y/n: Aisha. I'm not talking with you. And please shut up. Stop saying nonsense.

Aisha: oh so now sluts also started arguing huh?

People were coming there so see...
You were so hurt by her words...

Aisha: see everyone she's trying to flirt with Mr. Jeon..(she started laughing) There are lots of sluts here and see her.. she thinks that she can take mr. Jeon..

Tears started forming in your eyes. Your head was bowed down. You were so embarassed...

Meanwhile Jungkook noticed people there.. he came and listen everything...

Aisha: See her..see... Such a Hoe.. Always sluting around.. why are you always behind Mr. Jeon huh?? I know this type of girls always want to fuck around and get into boys pants..

This made you cry. You were crying that hurt jungkook....

Aisha: I don't know how many d*cks you have taken..

Aisha started laughing...
Jungkook can't hold it. Jungkook came forward....

Jk: Enough is enough..

You saw jungkook and started crying more which made jungkook weak. He came towards you and hugged you. You didn't think twice and hugged him back. This time you wanted him. You were sobbing in his chest and he was caring your hairs..

All the people there were shocked to see the reaction of Jungkook towards you.
He broke the hug and rubbed your tears...

Jk: I'm saying this to everyone , don't you dare to say a word against my WIFE.

you looked towards jungkook being shocked and everyone present there was shocked..

Jk: yes you all heard right .. she's my WIFE. So just shut up and you Aisha.. don't you dare to say this types of shits against my wife... Understand...

Aisha: yes mr. Jeon.

After that everyone left... You both were there. You were still crying...
You again hugged jungkook.

Jk: I'm sorry. I had to say that.
Y/n: it's ok jungkook-ssi. I love you.
Jk: I love you too.. go home. I'll talk there ok.. take care. Be safe . Bye
Y/n: bye. Take care.

Then you went to your home.. after sometime jungkook came back and you hugged him very tightly....

Y/n: I missed you.
Jk: me too.. come on let's go inside.
Y/n:. No i wanna hug you more.

Jungkook chuckled at your reaction and he carried you inside still hugging you.

Jk: are you done hugging? Can I go and get fresh now??
Y/n: yeah. Go and come fast dinner is ready....

After dinner......

You both were sleeping in each other's arm.

Jk: honey I love you alot.
Y/n: I also love you jungkook-ssi.
Jk: honey why you call me jungkook-ssi. I wanna hear jungkook or any other nickname for me from your mouth.
Y/n: then what should I call you?
Jk: anything you like.
Y/n: How about koo or kook or honey or yobo..
Jk: oh god there are alot. I'll be greatful if you'll call with that names.
Y/n: ok I'll call you like that only.

Y/n: I'm really happy kook.

Jungkook smiled at your nickname and asked.

Jk: why?
Y/n: Now i can proudly say that I'm your wife. You are my man.. only mine. No one can take you away from me.
Jk: yes I'm your.. and I'm excited for your graduation...
Y/n: yeah me too.
Jk: can I ask for something?
Y/n: yeah..

Jk: since your graduation is near...

Jungkook hovered over you and started kissing your neck.....


I hope you guys liked it. Sorry for uploading late. My health was not going well that's why... Thank you for waiting ❤️❤️
Lots of love to my viewers...

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