Boy or girl ?

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Genderfluid Camilo mean abuela


Camilo was a pretty funny boy  he would make someone happy just by his smile,  he was the type of guy you would want to be around when you're not in a good mood and just  Everyone loved him, because he brought  joy and happiness everywhere he was.

but what if that smile hid a lot of things nobody knew  well  excluding Bruno and Isabella

The big secret was that he was gendrefluid...

And he really wanted to tell his familia, but he knew abuela would get ma, because last when isa came out as lesbian everyone in the family was happy expect abuela, she was so mad, that she even slapped isabella and told her to go to her room.

As she was crying and run to her room  Camilo who was the only who went after her to see if she was ok  and when he went into room, he saw her on her bed crying her eye out.

He felt so bad for her, so ran to her to hug her and just be here for her.

And since that day, they got closer and closer until he eventually  told her he was genderfluid. She really didn't get it at first  but she put  alot of effort to make him so comfortable and every day  she would ask him pronouns like ifntoday i felt like a girl, so she would call me Camila. And Bruno his the one wo really knew from the start( i didn't find a story to tell how he find out so let just say he knew since the first day) 







         Camilo/Camila POV:

I was pacing around my room thinking about what could go worst, and alot of thoughts came,

"abuela could kill me"

"I could get disowned"

"I could get kicked out of the house"

"Or worst the town.."

I quickly chase those thought away before i will start
crying,  but even if all that could happen i still have to do it and anyways if thing go wrong i can stay at **** place he womt mind.

Hi, I'll try to update you, but  sorry if i take too much time it's just that i have a school work and my mental health isn't the best sorry again <3

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