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Arthur continued to be annoyed.

He had done his best to remain calm and impassive in the face of the unpleasantness of fate, but his patience had been sorely tested since Gilgamesh's confession.

The King of Heroes had obviously made arrangements to remain continuously in his mind, despite his efforts to remain at a distance and shorten the conversions he had with him.

He didn't know exactly how he did it, but he was sure that Gilgamesh had convinced Ritsuka to pair them up to go on missions, even the most basic ones like gathering resources. Mash sometimes accompanied them, but that was only when the King was in the mood.

No doubt the King of Uruk expected some kind of reaction from him, perhaps he wanted to show him that he could do what he wanted and when he wanted... but it didn't matter. Arthur never gave him the pleasure of questioning the group and the obvious imbalance in the face of powerful opponents. He acted as usual, remaining calm and impassive while obeying the orders of his Master.

But as time passed, it became more and more difficult.

Besides acting on a whim, Gilgamesh rarely helped during confrontations... so either Arthur faced the situation alone, or he was helped by Mash who tried to keep up with his level as best she could while protecting the Master.

Moreover, this situation provokes something that Arthur has to face without complaining... Being outnumbered and even if the King of Knights was quite capable of making a battle strategy against an enemy group, he could not foresee everything. And that's where Gilgamesh would step in, only to prevent an enemy from attacking him in his blind spot, preventing him from being wounded or narrowly saving his life.

How could he keep the frustration and anger from taking over his chest in such a situation? Arthur was particularly upset because his duties of propriety and chivalry obliged him to be grateful... Yet, that evening, he did not hide the tone of reproach in his voice when he came to thank Gilgamesh.

"Remember to get on your knees, next time, I won't always be merciful. It would be a pity if the half-breed were needlessly injured." Said the king to him from the rock where he had perched.

Arthur represses a scornful chuckle.

"If you were more willing, future confrontations would never reach this extreme and the Master would always come through safely."

"Tss... I am already honoring him with my presence. Let him already be grateful that I tolerate him as Master. As for the rest, I will judge for myself if it is necessary for me to use my treasures on the trash you play with, Arthur. But why should I deprive myself of the pleasure of having you come to me to express your gratitude?"

Arthur didn't give him another glance to see the king's face displaying that sneer of satisfaction at the sight of his face discomfited by such words. He swallowed his pride and already turned away from him to stand guard on the other side of the camp.

"Good night, King of Heroes."


The next day, Arthur was annoyed and upset.

Although he had concentrated on keeping an eye on the surroundings to avoid surprise attacks, he found it difficult to remain calm and all those hours under the moon seemed interminable.

When Ritsuka was ready to go again, they all went in search of a new monster to harvest. But as usual, Archer had vanished, not bothering to walk with them.

The three of them tried to have a conversation, but Arthur was not good company that day and simply answered the question he was asked and his answers were vague and without warmth.

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