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Arthur's vigilance had reached its peak these last few days. Almost nothing escaped him and no one could surprise him.

It was as if he was in a constant state of alert, as if he expected to be attacked every moment of the day and even more so during his moments of rest.

His demeanor in general was a bit more strained. It was as if he could no longer enjoy simple things or have a relaxed conversation. He listened, smiled politely and his answers were always brief and a bit cold.

This made the exchange with Arthur not very pleasant.

The only opportunity to see Arthur a little less on edge... was in the presence of young Gilgamesh.

For if the young Gilgamesh was near him, it meant that his Adult version was not nearby.

This situation had been going on since Valentine's Day, no one knew what had happened and no one had dared to ask him.

Gilgamesh Archer still hasn't shown up since. He was either not responding to mission calls or simply ignoring Ritsuka's calls. We had no idea what was going on with him, except that he was somewhere in Chaldea. Maybe he was staying in his room or isolating himself in a corner away from the eyes? But that didn't stop Arthur from keeping an eye on him, as if he expected him to appear out of nowhere. Several people asked if he was okay... but he just smiled.

In the presence of young Gil, it was different.

And it would seem that young Gil was well aware of this.

"Arthur-san ! Arthur-san !"

Gil rushed towards him like the child he was and the king gave him an amused smile at his agitated approach.

"What's going on, Gil? Something wrong?"

The child stopped in front of him, still smiling in his presence and waddling back and forth with his hands behind his back.

"No no, but I wanted to ask you something. I'm leaving with Ritsuka for the harvest and I wonder if you'd like to come with us?"

"Harvest?" Arthur quickly thought about what day it was and what class of enemy they were dealing with today. "I guess it's random resource day today."

Gil nodded and before Arthur had time to answer, he reached out to take his hand and pull in the direction of the control room. "We've never been on a mission together. Come on, Arthur-san, it will be fun!"

Like a child about to do something he loves, he was waving impatiently as he gently tugged at Arthur's hand and the king smiled at this behavior so opposite to you know who. Moreover, he had taken the habit of calling him Arthur-san, a Japanese formality to politely address a person, but more familiar than calling him King.

Looking at the child, Arthur knew he could relax his shoulders, knowing full well that he would not be bothered today.

"All right " He said with a smile that lit up the boy's face.


Going on a mission with companions he could count on was always fun. He missed the moments he had spent with his knights and even more so when bits of memory appeared while he was fighting with the other servants.

But that wasn't all. Fighting with Serenity and Paracelsus reminded him of the first Holy Grail War in which he had participated, except that here they were his allies and not his enemies. The young Gilgamesh reminded him of the Archer of his world, with his dynamism to fight, even if he approached more of a style to Gilgamesh of this world. Alexander reminded him of the ardor of a certain warlord who came to reconquer Great Britain. The difference was that he was riding Bucephalus and that his young age made him particularly likable.

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