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The mixing of past and present was quite common in Chaldea. Although when a Servant materialized, he had all the necessary data to quickly adapt to the place and time in which he appeared, sometimes he was a bit confused by modern traditions that were very different in his time.

The date of Valentine's Day was approaching. Nowadays, especially in East Asia, girls used to give chocolates to people they liked or loved. It was a good way to express their affection. For Arthur, in his time, Valentine's Day was rather the day of weddings and love in general with a sacrifice. A Roman tradition that his country had kept. But the king was a little confused.

However Da Vinci had not come to see him to talk about February 14th.

"White Day?" Arthur wondered as he repeated what the woman had just told him.

The inventor nodded with an amused smile. "Yes, it's a new modern tradition. On February 14, the girls give the boys chocolates. In return, the boys have to give them a gift as a thank you, a month later, on March 14."

Arthur thought about it while rubbing his chin with a distracted eye.

"That's a lot of social convention... Can't boys and girls just be content to simply give chocolates on Valentine's Day?" Arthur asked innocently.

Da Vinci burst out laughing. "If men were known for showing affection and romance, I guess White Day wouldn't exist."

Arthur smiled awkwardly at this. He couldn't tell if she was right or wrong. He would have said that boys were more awkward when it came to love.

"All right... And what does this have to do with me?"

"Huhu, well, as you know, Fujimaru places a lot of importance on the well-being of his Servants. So he ensures the good atmosphere here in Chaldea." Da Vinci glances around and leans into Arthur's ear. In return, Arthur leans in a little so she can talk to him. "We've had a lot of discussions with Fujimaru and we've deduced that it would be best if you hosted White Day."

"Me?" He straightened up to look at her.

"Of course! Who else can show such decorum and charm as you? You are the very symbol of chivalry and prince charming. Every young girl will almost fall at your feet just to get your attention."

"What? Really? Isn't that a little over the top? I mean... It doesn't really fit me..."

"Nonsense! This is what makes your charm Arthur and what makes you who you are. Your soul is purified of all malice. You might make excessive decisions, but never without regret and careful consideration."

Arthur made it clear that he was not at all convinced by his words and this made Da Vinci laugh again.

"If you don't believe me... you'll see, on Valentine's Day!"

"If you say so..." He didn't see how he was any better than anyone else. "And so... what should I do for White Day?" Arthur would never refuse to help, even with a simple activity.

"Well, we certainly chose you for your general manners, but for White Day you'll just have to smile and offer gifts, nothing out of place. Fujimaru is waiting for you in the greenhouse to explain in detail."

Arthur nodded his head to watch Da Vinci walk away down the hallway.


Arthur didn't even know there was a greenhouse here. When he entered the room, even if everything was done to make the situation as realistic as possible, one felt that everything was artificial.

When he spotted Ritsuka chatting with a staff member a little further on, he joined him, observing the trenches of earth and the various rose bushes planted here and there under the white light of the lamps. He waited for the Master to finish discussing with his interlocutor while his gaze observed the rosebuds that had not yet bloomed.

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