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Today seemed to be a particularly busy day. The Master had announced a big event that would take all day. So we had to mobilize and finish it in time for maximum resources for the Servants and the Chaldea. Arthur was ready and heading to the control room when he was approached by a young woman from the staff.

She didn't say much, looking intimidated and her cheeks were as red as peonies. Not finding her words, she finally handed him the package she held in her hands, bowing modestly.

"Accept this, please." She managed to say.

Arthur was a little surprised, taking the package with a slightly hesitant hand. "I thank you Miss..."

But before he could say anything else, she was gone in an instant, like a puff of wind passing through the hallway.

The king stood in disbelief for the next few seconds, looking at the place where the young woman had disappeared and his gaze fell on the package he held in his hand. A pretty blue package with a silver ribbon. He felt a little uncomfortable opening it carelessly in the hallway. So out of respect for this woman, he decided to go back to his room to put it away until tonight.

As he turned around, another woman was standing there with a polite smile and glasses. Arthur almost jumped when he saw her.

"Hello, King Arthur."

"H-Hello, miss..."

"I wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's Day. Accepting this to thank you for all you do and for being with us." She in turn handed a small package as she bowed.

"Thank you so much Miss. This gesture goes straight to my heart." Arthur smiled at her in turn in a polite way, which seemed to make the young woman particularly radiant.

She waved goodbye and left.

Now Arthur found himself with two packages. At least, that's what he thought. He had not considered that he would be approached a third time, then a fourth and a fifth ... and so on ...

The king knight soon found himself encumbered with gifts in his arms. He barely made it through the corridors of Chaldea to return to his room and then join the Master for the event. He already knew that they were not waiting for him to start, as he had echoes of what was going on at the same time.

Not only the staff members came to offer him chocolates, but also some of the servants who distributed them to everyone. They just put the chocolates on the pile of packages in Arthur's arms and wished him a good day with a mocking smile.

Poor guy...

Some men also came to see him, just as shy or extravagant as the women. Arthur offered them the same reassuring and grateful smile for the gesture they made to him by coming to offer these chocolates. And he had exactly the same reactions. A little more enterprising for some, but the king was too focused on holding the packages to notice.

He prayed for it to stop so he could breathe.

The early afternoon had arrived when EMIYA finally crossed his path.

"How popular." Looking Arthur up and down, a smirk on his face and a slightly mocking tone in his voice.

Arthur turned to him, avoiding the disaster of dropping everything. He smiled embarrassedly at the situation, not knowing where his room was after so much commotion.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect this."

As he turned around, one of the packages fell, but EMIYA barely caught it and looked at the package absently, as if judging the quality of work that went into making it.

Precipice - HIM (EN) Arthur x GilgameshWhere stories live. Discover now