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He was adjusting his cufflinks when Da Vinci entered the room, Arthur glanced over his shoulder and smiled when he saw her hurried look.

Da Vinci sighed to relax and set her eyes on Arthur who turned to her to show himself.

The young woman joined her hands with an air of emotion and approached to observe more closely how the white suit, specially made for the occasion, harmonized perfectly with Arthur's body.

"It's perfect!" She spins around the king to spot any imperfections, but everything seems to be perfectly in place and the colors blend together very well. "You were made to wear such elegant clothes, Arthur."

She smiled at him as she adjusted his tie for the umpteenth time that morning. A blue tie that stood out perfectly on his sky blue and white suit, a few golden jewels here and there to add artifice. But above all, the way in which the suit was made to emphasize the face of Arthur.

Arthur laughed lightly, letting her handle the suit to correct the few creases that had set in. "I suppose all the credit goes to you and then, it's all in the attitude, Da Vinci. The Costume is only incidental."

Da Vinci smiled and raised an eyebrow when she looked up at him.

"Would the King of Knights be bragging?"

Pleased that his remark provoked an amused reaction, Arthur laughed a little more. "I'm just saying that anyone can wear a suit. The suit just reflects the person wearing it."

This time she squinted her eyes.

"Would you be saying that you are perfect?"

"That's from you when you saw me, Da Vinci. So I guess I have you to thank for the compliment." He flashes a kind smile at her with that touch of innocence he was purposely displaying to tease her.

Da Vinci laughed at this and patted him on the shoulder in rebuke. "What a joker!"

And the laughter was shared.

Arthur was in a particularly good mood these last few days, much to the delight of everyone who found it more pleasant to be around a relaxed Arthur. The king had mingled a little more with the others and it turned out that he participated much more easily in the activities, for the good of Chaldea.

No one could really explain the reason, but Arthur had assumed himself that it was because he had been left alone and that spending some time with young Gil allowed him to have another vision than his prejudices that he had built himself after having met his adult version. Plus, having a more stable daily routine allowed him to be comfortable overall.

Now that everything was ready, all that was left was to wait for the event to begin.

Arthur helped Da Vinci bring the last packages into the room to welcome the people coming to claim their reward. They placed them in different places at the back of the room for decoration, and then the countdown to the start of the activity was almost over.

The King took his place at the back of the room, surrounded for the moment by empty shelves but filled with vases ready to receive the flowers and Da Vinci settled in a corner with a tablet to keep track of the number of roses that were scattered throughout the Chaldea, the number of awards remaining and the number of participants.

As Arthur watched the numbers roll by, he felt strangely a little nervous. But it amused him more than anything else, as if he felt as if he were experiencing a public event for the first time. But that was probably because for the first time in his life, people were going to use his charms rather than really admire him as a king.

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