Professor Lewis

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Rory bit her lip as she slowly looked at Max on her side, who was shaking his head in concern. As she lifted her head up, she realized everyone else was looking at her too. She looked up front to see him. Professor Chester Lewis, a man in his 50s, wearing the same buttoned shirt. Lord knows how many of those he's got in his closet.

"Am I interrupting something, Ms. Winters?" Lewis asked as he folded his arms. Rory was just glad she had the courage to at least look him in his dark devil eyes.

"I'm presuming you were using your phone?"

Rory nodded.
Lewis took a deep breath as he raised his left eyebrow.

"I want you to take notes right now, right here. When I'm teaching in class. NOBODY. Not even the president himself will never NOT PAY ATTENTION!"

Rory nodded again and Max almost hid himself under the table. Even though this wasn't a big issue, Prof L was the biggest drama queen. Yes, even more than Sebastian.

"Young minds." Lewis scoffed as he turned the page on his book. "Whatever."

He looked up again, "When I was in college..."
These five words were enough for the whole room to put their pens down and sit comfortably. This was going to be long.

After the unwanted and unnecessary lecture, Max and Rory happily walked to the Basketball court, Sebastian's bickering would definitely be a hundred times better than what they just experienced.

"Man, I'm lucky I don't gotta mess with him" Marcus remarked as he munched on his protein bar.

"I hate his guts, imagine if he was a high school teacher..." Max replied, laying his head in Rory's lap.

Just then, Sebastian and Felix finally showed up.
"Don't you two look miserable" Felix said glaring at Rory and Max.

"Where's Jack?" Rory asked as her eyes scoured the environment.

"Library", Sebastian remarked in a bored voice.

"At least he's doing something useful", Marcus added.

"Enough now. I have a class, let's make this quick. So, they're definitely doing the meet early this year." Sebastian said.

"Why are we even bothering?" Aurora frowned and Max lifted his head up.

"BOTHER!?" he exclaimed in the most offended way possible. "We're seniors! It is our birthright to show those easter eggs what's up!"

Marcus rolled his eyes, "Okay. What's the plan?"

Sebastian started explaining, "Annual meet calls for the secret heist. We cannot let them win!'

"Well, what are they stealing?" Max asked.

Sebastian's lips turned into a smirk, "The lady with the balls."

"Ugh" Max groaned.
"Dude..." Felix shook his head.
"Oh my god" Mark said in disbelief.
"Ew" Rory backed away in disgust.

"Oh come on, you dirty minded freaks. It's the lady with the two foot-balls. Last year's trophy!?" Sebastian protested.

"DO NOT call it that, I beg you" Rory remarked.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Dory. But you all get the point, right?"

"The trophy is in the head's office" Marcus said, folding her arms.

"They could pick the lock", Sebastian said, looking at Marcus.

"Well, how are we going to get to the trophy, genius?" Rory asked.

"We could pick the lock!" Sebastian exclaimed, smirking.

"And you magically know how to do that?" Max asked narrowing his eyes.

"Internet teaches you everything, Mr. Hill." Sebastian smiled with sarcasm.

"You could learn how to think properly" Felix said looking at his phone and Sebastian hit the back of his head.

"Ow", Felix frowned.

"Me and Fawkes will come up with a dope plan, we always do." Sebastian remarked.

Felix scrunched her nose, "Not really".

"Am I the only one who noticed Seb called Felix 'Fawkes'?" Max asked in confusion.

"Well, Felix rhymes with Phoenix. And the only Phoenix I know is Fawkes." Sebastian answered.

"That might be the only smart thing you've ever thought of in your life." Rory scoffed.

Sebastian bows down, "Thank you, milady."
Rory laughed as he winked at her. Suddenly, a phone ring went off and everyone looked around to see whose phone it was. Marcus reached into his pocket to take out the phone.

Rory noticed the tension on his face as he said "I'll be back", and left. He picked up the phone.

"Hey dad", Mark said smiling.

"Mark! How are you doing?" Andres Miller replied.

"Yeah I'm good. How are things?"

"Basketball season. You KNOW the wolves are gonna win!"

Mark chuckled, "All the best to you and your team. Sebastian said the annual meet might be early this year."

"Who's Sebastian, again?"

"The snow head"

"Ah. The snow head!" Both Andres and Marcus laughed.

"So, how's college?" Andres asked.

"It's going good. Science professors loves me apparently." Marcus replied happily.

"Did you try for the team?"

Marcus went silent, a silence of disbelief. He took a deep breath and replied, "No."
Andres let out a sigh.

"Mark, It's best for you."

"Shouldn't I know what's best for me?"

"You can study any subject you want but sports-"

"I should've known you'd bring this up. I don't know why I even thought for a second that you'll be happy for me."

"Hey! I am happy for you! I'm just saying that you just reconsider..."

At this point, Marcus wanted to hang up the phone.
"You've been telling me to reconsider for years now. I'm not joining the basketball team no matter how much you force me!" he replied as the anger inside him built up.

"One day you'll understand", Andres was disappointed and worried at the same time.

"I got a class now. Talk to you later."

"Later, kid." Andres replied and Marcus hung up the phone. He turned behind and his eyes widened from who he saw.

"Rory..." Marcus remarked in astonishment.

"Sorry. I was...uhm...class?" Aurora replied. Marcus looked at his phone to see the time and chuckled,

"Right. Class."

Marcus walked past Aurora, not being able to look her in the eye. He wasn't sure if she heard the conversation and didn't want to lash out on her.
Rory watched him leave, he was never this upset. Well, maybe he was and she just didn't notice.


Words: 1011

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