So it begins

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Everyone was having a great time, more or less because Max couldn't even look up at anyone. Sebastian was anxious about the plan and Marcus had the usual 'why am I here?' look while Jaques and Crystal stood together, a little away from the group. And Felix... had to figure out something with himself.

"It's okay, bubble." Aurora tried to comfort Max.

"He's an easter egg!" Max cried out for the fiftieth time possible.

Marcus, who was rubbing his temple finally spoke, "Rory, can we talk?"

Aurora nodded as Mark and her stepped aside.
"This isn't even a big deal, what is up with him?" Mark asked as Rory shrugged.

"For all we know, will that Adam guy even date him? Heck, do we even know if he's interested in boys!?"

"MARK!" Rory widened her eyes, frowning as she gave him a stern look. Realizing how loud she said that, she looked around and thankfully, nobody heard.
She sighed, "He's just a little sensitive, you know that."

Mark frowned as he still looked dissatisfied.
"At least he's not the one to sprain his ankle and cry about it for almost a month", Rory chuckled softly.

Mark smiled, biting his lip, "That was like one time, come on."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure, soldier." Rory rolls her eyes and they both laugh.
Mark gives out a soft chuckle. He looks up only to find himself staring at her. His eyes followed her smile until they met hers.

Rory's grin now turned into a light smile. "What?" she asked.

"You're pretty", Mark answered.

Rory's eyebrows immediately shot up, eyes widening.

Mark closes his eyes, smiling, realizing what he just said.
"I didn't mean it like that-" Mark started, "I pretty, I-"

Rory gives out a light laugh as Mark tries stammers while explaining.
"Man, I'm sorry", Mark rubs his forehead, giving out a last chuckle before everything goes silent. They could hear the muffled noise of everyone talking but their attention was somewhere else.

"Thank you", Rory remarked softly.

"Yeah", Mark smiled, looking down at his feet.

"Are they flirting?", a voice could be heard ten feet away from them. Sebastian crossed his arms.

Felix immediately turned to Mark and Rory, watching them in surprise. He could feel the fire inside him, awaiting to burn the world down but then there was this ache, this indescribable pain that he couldn't point a finger at.

"I hope not", he wanted to say but looking around at everyone, he was reluctant about the decision.

"So what? You flirt with her all the time", Felix remarked with a straight face.

"Platonically, dude." Sebastian answered with a frown.

"I don't know about you guys but I. SHIP." another voice came and Sebastian and Felix both looked their right towards Max, who was sipping juice from his glass.

"What happened to your mood?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh, it's okay. I realized that it doesn't matter if Adam is an easter egg or not." Max replied, smiling.
Sebastian rolled his eyes while Felix couldn't look away from Rory and Mark, even if he wanted to.

Sebastian heard the ringing sound of his phone. As he took it out of his pocket, the screen flashed the name 'Crysie'.
He connected his airpods and put one in his left ear.

"Just a few of them went in", Crystal said over the phone as Sebastian looks back at some students of Eastwood walking inside the building.

"Get everyone on the phone. It's time." Sebastian remarked as he turned to Felix and got up immediately.

Suddenly, the group's and some other people's
phones flashed and everyone got on call with each other.

"Names", Sebastian ordered.

"The gayest reporting", Max said while he flicked an invisible strand of hair.

"Sleeping beauty", Aurora sighed and looked at Mark.

Mark rolled his eyes, "Mr. Mood."

"S- Sulley", Felix said hesitantly.

"Jaden", a voice remarked and Sebastian immediately frowned. "That's not it, J."

A short brunette, who was far from the group scoffed over the phone.
"Why do I get the worst one!?"

"Because I chose so", Sebastian said as he took a sip from his cup but instantly spit it out.
"This tastes like shit", Sebastian groaned.

Jaden scoffed yet again, "You know what shit tastes like?"

Crystal chuckled. Jacques looked at her in confusion but right then, Sebastian answered, "Yeah. Your mouth."

Everyone could hear Jaden's jaw drop to the floor. Rory stared blankly in Sebastian's direction, Mark chuckled, lowkey proud of Seb. Felix gave Sebastian a high five and Max was saying something but it couldn't be heard over Crystal's laughter. Jacques gazed at her, smiling and laughing slightly.

"Let's not waste time now, shall we?" Sebastian smirked in Max's direction.

Max nodded as he proceeds to look at his feet and then up again when he saw Sebastian and Felix leaving.


Words: 811


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