Sleepover (frank/ mikey x reader smut)

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It was spring break and my parents were out of town for a week, in an effort to not be lonely I called up Mikey and frank to stay over with me a for a few days.
It'd been going pretty well, we all slept in the same bed and made each other dinner every night.
Mikey and frank were now sitting close to the living room tv while playing mario kart, I was sat behind them on our leather couch that stuck to every bit of my exposed skin and made that horrible noise when I got up off it.

Frank and Mikey were talking to Eachother about something, I hadn't picked up what just yet since I was looking at the weirdly intense mario kart battle on the screen.
But, I decided to listen in, because their conversation had been going on for a pretty long time.

Mikey giggled at something that Frank said before taking a breath and replying.
"No, this one time a girl had something with spit though. Kinda nasty."

"That's not that bad! Not compared to what I just told you." Frank giggled in response while he mindlessly clicked the buttons on his controller.
"What about you, y/n?" Frank asked, looking at me over his shoulder for a split second before focusing on the tv screen.

"Huh? What about me?" I hadn't been following the conversation for too long, so I hadn't exactly picked up the whole topic just yet.

"What's the weirdest thing someone wanted to do during sex with you?"
Frank asked casually, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Oh," I giggled awkwardly and stared at the back of Mikeys head absently.
"I've never had sex." I shrugged.

Frank hastily paused the game, making Mikey groan in annoyance.
"Seriously?" He snapped his head to me, one eyebrow raised and his head slightly tilted as he looked me up and down.

"Nope. Never got to it." I shrugged again, Mikey turned around too but looked way less confused than Frank.

"No way! You're lying." Frank breathed out of his nose as he smiled in a confused way while shaking his head.

I didn't know why he was so utterly confused, Mikey still didn't seem to care as much.
"I've had a boyfriend once though. But he kinda sucked. I'm not a big lover kinda gal." I said jokingly.
"Why are you so confused?"

"Well, you're like the most gorgeous and popular girl in school. No way you haven't had sex at least once."

"Nope," I shook my head and popped the 'p'.
"I've made out once or twice, but never further than that."

"Frank, she's not the most popular girl in school, you made that up last year." Mikey chuckled softly and stared at the side of franks head who had now completely turned around to face me.

"Well, she is the most gorgeous." Frank shrugged, looking at Mikey with a small smile.

"Mhm, you're right there." Mikey nodded, a small smile appeared on his face too as he looked at me.
I could feel myself blushing, and frank certainly did notice as his sweet and adoring smile turned into a devious smirk.

He tilted his head again and stared at my hands for a second before speaking.
"How about... we take you upstairs and show you what it's like?"
Mikey looked a bit confused and blushed too, but nodded and dropped his controller to turn to me.

"We'll be gentle, if you want." Mikey smiled softly and shrugged while looking at me with seriousness in his eyes.

"God, why not. I trust you guys enough for this." I mumbled, even franks cheeks dusted with pink as he got up and helped me off the couch.
"It's not gonna be embarrassing.. right?"

Mikey shook his head.
"Of course not, we'll be gentle and make sure you're comfortable with everything."
Frank nodded in agreement as we all walked up the stairs to my messy room.
All of our clothes already littered the floor and we had to step around the small piles, but nobody seemed to mind.

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