1| Beautiful nightmare

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Heavy breathing reverberates in my otherwise quiet bedroom. It's the only evidence of the ecstasy unfolding in the covers of the night, the only escape I have from the euphoria swirling in the pit of my stomach. The methodical swipes of his tongue have me tugging harder on the sparse remains of my waning resolve to stifle my moans as I writhe in pleasure.

I'm at his mercy with my back against the headboard and legs splayed open. My eyes are keen on him deftly using his tongue to inflict feelings I can only describe as fire and ice on my clitoris. He licks the sweet spot before taking it into his mouth, brushing his tongue against me with such delicacy that only an artist painting immaculate strokes on a canvas could manage.

A soft whimper escapes my lips and my legs tremble uncontrollably when he glides one finger into me and starts messaging my g-spot. I'm on the brink of exploding from the scores of different sensations creeping through my body. Almost there, my entire being quivers. It's ready to release all this pent-up emotion.

But he stops. Suddenly.

"Shhhh," he whispers.

It's pure torture to expect a woman to stay quiet while enduring this delightful mix of pleasure but I must oblige. His lean, well-built form rises from between my legs and positions above me. My walls clench at the sight of the moonlight highlighting the defined ridges of his body.

"Ready for me Kelsie?" His sultry voice is low, flirty, and mischievous. The shadows conceal his face as he shifts my body so that I lie flat on my back and expertly guides himself to my entrance.

The wait is over.

I'm ready for more of him.

The tip makes contact and I brace for impact but a loud buzz rips me from the moment.

Dis bumboclaat alarm!

Just what I needed! Another night of unfulfilled desires emerged in a dream, ridiculing the past 26 months of inadvertent abstinence. It hovers around like a scrawny alley cat with its sides sunken in and its rib cage well pronounced. With every thought of anything remotely sexual, it gives off its high-pitched meows, staring at me with sodden eyes gleaming hungrily, just hoping for me to toss it something... anything to taste.

Mi cyaa jus go back go sleep and continue mi dream?

My phantom lover has been visiting me in my sleep for the past few months. I've never seen his face but for each encounter, we venture a little bit further. This latest dream is the most action I've gotten from him and I can't help but wonder if the universe is sending me signals of what's to come or if it's just teasing me.

I touch myself to feel how wet this episode has gotten me. And just like that celibacy rears its head again. The languid creature circles my feet, crying incessantly, reminding, no, begging me not to forget it's plight. It even clings to me for every tepid interaction with a potential suitor, purring and eyeing me suggestively, telling me that it has been more than two years.

Checking the clock, I peel back the covers and stumble out of bed, padding along to the bathroom to freshen up before my morning exercise. Working up a sweat in the home gym always gets me back on track and this morning, it's well needed.

By the time I'm done, barely 30 minutes are left to shower and dress before I have to leave for work if I am to beat the morning traffic. That's not even enough time for a proper breakfast so I settle for a protein shake with oats and banana to have on the go.

My job as a publications editor along with my Internet hustle as a freelance writer enabled me to live a fairly comfortable life, one esteemed as quite successful.

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