Chapter 6 Awakening Dragon

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Jake's P.O.V.
I woke up to Kinohamon Laying on the floor out of his Armor,he sleeps like that because he says it's more comfortable than sleeping in it. I went to open the door. Instead of the hallway there was a Piercing Red eye surrounded by this odd Blue and yellow aura. "I WILL FIND YOU AND TAKE WHAT IS MINE." It shouted in a powerful male voice. A large claw suddenly came out of my doorway with cleaning silver claws on it. It grabbed me and pulled me into this vast void. "JAKE,JAKE,JAKE!" Kinohamon was shouting at me. He shook me awake. "Are you okay J? You were screaming in your sleep." He had his right claw poised on his sword. "I'm fine Kino,I promise. Wanna do some kendo since Ken have us the day off from training since Kiara is still knocked out from yesterday?" My partner nodded. We started with the standard training than came a knock on my door. "Come in." The door opened and it was Ashley. "Ken wanted to see you and me." I set down my Kendo Bo tossed on my vest and walked with her. We went through the doorway to the hideout and Ken was standing on the other side helping Yolei with another one of her "Projects". "Mr.Collins,Ms.Rodriguez. I'm aware I said there wouldn't be any training today. But. Me and Yolei need your help with something if you wouldn't mind." I went ahead and said. "Help with what exactly there boss?" He pulled out two smart watch looking things. "These would be the D-Gauntlets. Their equipment that should allow you to get some extra fire power. Head into the training room and we should be able to walk you through the activation conditions."

We went down the elevator to the training room. Once we stepped out the elevator the room suddenly turned into this forest scape kinda thing. "What's going on down here Ken?" Ashley fired off over comms. "Well we're also testing the training room's simulation abilities." I nodded. "So we're in a forest? Any kind of moving targets or anything?" Yolei chuckled a little bit. "You'll see." Ashley tensed up a little. "Well that was ominous. Anyway let's get moving." Toximon and Kinohamon were walking beside us. Suddenly we made it to this massive clearing. We heard movement completely surrounding us. "Well Let's get ready. Ken? What do we do to activate these things." We heard nothing but static over comms. "Ken? Come in. Ken!? Are you there." All we heard was garbled words. The one word we got outta the sentence he said was OUT. "Shit. Kinohamon!" My partner nodded. He pulled out his sword from his back. "Toximon!" She prepped the needle launchers on her wrists. I pulled my weapon from its sheath and it changed shape into a Scimitar. Ashley took hers off her back and it became a large spear. Suddenly a large group of Red Racoon like digimon jumped out from the underbrush. "Looks like a group of elecmon. They must be what's causing the radio interference." I shrugged. "But how'd they get here. We're still in the training room,aren't we?" Suddenly one of them started to glow with blue electricity the others followed suit. "THUNDER BLAZE." All of the energy charged from them came at us from the first one. "Crap! Drakon's shield!" Suddenly the Dragon head on Kinohamon's left arm expanded into a large shield. "Jake help me hold this. Toxi Ashley get behind it." Suddenly the energy arced around the shield and onto one of the other elecmon,which the beam of energy than fired at us from behind. "GODDAMNIT." I got infront of the blast of energy and took the hit for Ashley and The others. I collapsed onto the ground unable to move or speak. At that point toximon fired off her barbs coding all of the elecmon except for the one that initially fired the blast. He took the hit and just had one of her neon green barbs sticking out of its shoulder. Toximon stumbled her way toward me and placed her hand on my forehead. Suddenly I could move again. "Good job Toxi. Now let's see if We can talk to Ken now." Suddenly the elecmon's eyes started brimming with blue electricity. "Oh fuck m-" A blast of electricity was fired at me again but he had started to digivolve he started screaming and convulsing almost as if he were in pain. "ELECMON SHADOW DIGIVOLVE TO.....BLACK GARURUMON." Kinohamon picked me up and shouted. "ASH,TOXI WE NEED TO RUN NOW!"

Suddenly I started to hear Ken over my comlink. "Jake. Ashley. Can you two hear me?" Ash fire off over her comms. "Yes command we can hear you what's happening!?" Yolei fired off rather quickly. "The Elecmon got in through the lights in the training room. However we're currently uncertain if their related to the group of Gotsumon that attacked,and incapacitated Silver yesterday." We crouched down in the brush once we got a far enough distance from the Garurumon. Toxi cured me of the paralysis again. "Ken I'm pretty sure this thing is related to them as when it started to digivolve into our current enemy it was convulsing as if it were in pain like the gotsumon from yesterday." We heard large footsteps making their way through the brush. "We might need some form of back up in here command." Ken was quick to quell that idea. "No the D-Gauntlets should give enough power to help you two out. Click your Digivices into the port on the side of them it should cause your partners and your weapons to get more power into them." I sighed. "We might as well give it a shot." We followed the instructions and our digivices pinged. "Digi-core power initiated." Our partners both started glowing with a light of the same color as our crests. The glow condensed into the markings on Kinohamon's armor and the parts of Toximon's body that were neon green. Our weapons glowed in a similar sense. They changed form as well even though we hadn't activated the true combat modes of our weapons. The black garurumon broke down all of the trees near us to make another clearing. "Well. I guess your getting right down to business unlike your former associates. GOOD." Kinohamon rushed forward with his sword drawn and slashed at the gargantuan wolf with all his strength. He made a large cut from the base of its shoulder blade down to the bottom of its back. He landed on his feet after making the cut,the wound suddenly burst forth with more electricity. It formed the shape of a massive blue claw. Black Garurumon let out a deep monstrous growl. "EVEN IN THEIR DEATHS MY PACKMATES LOOK OUT FOR ME." The blue claw reached for me but in an instant Ashley's weapon suddenly morphed into a tower shield and she blocked the hit. "TOXIMON FIRE AT IT WITH ALL YOUVE GOT!!" Toximon suddenly had appeared above our opponent. "VENOM BARRAGE!" Several large quills fired from her back and hit the Garurumon on the opposite side from the initial cut made by Kinohamon. "Now Jake GO FOR IT!" She planted the shield into the ground and gave me a hand up to jump over it. As I was in the air I plugged my digivice into the hilt of my weapon. "IKUZE! SUNBLADE SLASH!" I slashed right down its front leg and than again across its throat. At that point our opponent started to Glitch. He swung his body around knocking the three of us near by him away in an instant. He started to burst out with even more electricity. But we also noticed the lights in the room started to flicker. "Shit." He started to glow with a violent purple hue and I had barely noticed a Violet symbol on his front shoulder start to glow with the same energy. "BLACK GARURUMON DIGIVOLVE TO!" He changed shape into a bipedal creature. "BLACKWEREGARURUMON!!" All the damage we had done suddenly had disappeared my weapon deactivated and entered its Cool down period. As did Ashley's. "GUYS WE GOTTA RUN!" Ash shouted back. "We literally cant there's no room left for us to run. Besides if he's as fast as he is in his last form running would be useless." The creature rushed at me. Ashley got in front of me and started fighting it hand to hand. Toximon started firing her quills at him but Were-Garurumon just kept up with both of their attacks. It's razor sharp teeth gnashing and blocking every possible attack thrown at it. "BRAWLING KNUCKLES!" He knocked back Ash to where she was on top of toximon. Both were knocked flat on their backs. Kinohamon shouted sharply. "DAMNIT!" The plates on his armor popped open showing small turrets underneath the plating. "SOARING SMOKESCREEN!!" Several pods launched from his armor and burst on impact with the ground causing a massive wave of smoke to appear. Suddenly I felt Kinohamon's hand clasp around my arm. He dragged me out of the smokescreen as well as he carried Toximon and Ash on his shoulders.

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