Chapter 3 The first assembly

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I woke up with Kyumon on my lap as usual. "Morning Sis!" "Morning Leona." She was swimming in the pool her partner was sitting on one of the deck chairs. Today was Saturday,Ken decided to give everyone the weekend off.

I heard a knock on the door, I walked over to our door to see that it was that girl with the raven Digimon,and the guy who trapped us with Seasermon. I opened the door and said to them. "What do you two want?" "We're sorry for what we did to you guys. But I have a question for you, did a pillar of light of any color engulf you and your digimon?" "How do you know about that?" "It Happened to us,and the other leaders."

I called my other teammates into the central room. The other 2 squad leaders showed up. "So what color light engulfed who, for me and Kyumon it was silver." Mike said next. "For me it was a deep red." Next was Ashley. "Blue." Next was Jake. "Orange." Next was Mei the Girl who tripped us. "Green for me." Next was Ryu, the rock boy. "Purple." Next was Yamato he had black hair,he looked really fit for someone his age. His partner was a brown Wolf. "For me it was Yellow." Last but not least was Sonja, she had Brown hair,and green eyes. Her partner was a small bear digumon hat resembled a Sun Bear. "It was Pink for me."

I thought for a second but Ryu figured it out first. "I know what happened!" "Well would you care to explain Professor?" "We were engulfed in different spectrums of light that represent the Crests." "The crests? As in the thing that brought the first group of Digi-destined together?" "Exactly! For me it's knowledge, For you Kiara It's Reliability. For Mike it's Love! For you Sonja it's Light! Jake you Courage. For you Mei it's Sincerity. For you Yamato it's Hope! For you Ashley Friendship." Suddenly a spectrum of light engulfed all of us. I put my goggles over my eyes to help my eyes. When the light faded our digivices changed form to weird more box like things. "Well that happened." I got up and Mike pointed out a silver cross looking emblem on the back of my jacket. Everyone had their crests appearing on their body somewhere. Ken came running into the room yelling. "What happened!? I saw that beam and ran over here as fast as I." He paused when he noticed the digivices,as well as the crests on us. "They picked the next generation. They finally did it. Come with me this instant!" He led us down one of the corridors in our dorm. He placed his hand on the wall and it opened a secret room. We followed him back there when we made it to a bigger room he turned the lights on. We saw basically suits that had the crests on them and they each had a weapon someone was already sitting in the room. "Ken!" The person jumped out of their chair and hugged him. "Good to see you Yolei." "I got the readings on that massive energy signature just now wait was that them!?" She said gesturing towards us. "Their the new digi-destined. The Knight generation." "Uh mind explaining what the heck is going on!?" "I know you have figured out your the digi-destined but we prepared for the next generation. What the old digi-destined have been calling The Knight generation. We knew what tender all of you would be as well as your age but we didn't know when we would meet you. You are now Ruin Squad of The Armorvolve security team, Knight Division." "Will anyone know who we are?" "More than likely No." From here on out there will no longer be any teams and you eight will be staying in the same dorm. Everyone else will be living together." "But what about Leona?" "I'm sorry Kiara but you will need to separate." I told Leona what had to be done she took it well. Me and the Digi-destined we're staying in our same dorm while everyone else was living in the one next door. We all got rested up and went to bed.

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