Chapter 7 Corvid Bloom

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Mei's P.O.V.
I woke up in my room drenched in a cold sweat. Corvimon was meditating on the balcony,but knowing my partner he knew I was awake. He got up and turned his head to look at me over his shoulder. "Are you alright Mei?" He spoke in his soft but surprisingly deep voice for his size. "I can tell something is up by your posture." I sat up on the edge of my bed. "Well. Just more of those night terrors." I lifted my hand in front of my face and noticed it was shaking. "Lemme make your tea darling." He very quickly and carefully made my morning chai. "Thank you." I took the cup from him and started to drink it carefully. I suddenly heard this knock on my door. "Sounds like Yamato." My partner started. "We really need to get you a new hobby bud. You're sure there isn't a way to just 'turn off' your analysis ability?" He looked at me. His bird like face cocking his head to the left. "I honestly don't think I can." The person knocked on the door again. "I'm coming." I got up and opened to door to see Ryu standing there. "Huh guess I was wrong." Corvimon retorted. "Jake told me to come check on ya since he said you weren't feeling well last night. Are you doing okay today Mei?" Ryu looked at me with concern behind his gaze. I really must've looked bad if he's that concerned about me just by looking at me. "If I'm being honest. Im okay. Just a little shaken. Night terrors again. Y'know?" Ryu looked at me understandingly. "Well it's a good thing Jake got you a pass from training. Take the time you need." Ryu's partner Kodamon popped around the corner of my doorway. The small dog like digimon smiled. "Are you two doing okay there Corvimon?" She meekly said. "Yes Kodamon we're fine. My partner has had these night terrors since she was five." I bumped him on the back of his head. "Right,sorry Mei." Ryu quickly changed the subject. "Ken did say you could still come by and watch today's training if you wanted." Suddenly the lights in the hall started flashing. "Uh oh. Red alert time. Come on we've gotta get going." I got changed into my normal clothes and headed with Ryu and the others to the base. I took a look around and noticed that Kiara looked Beyond angry. Her hair was a mess,and she looked like she overworked herself in the training deck earlier. I guess I've been picking up Corvimon's observation skills. "Alright Ken what's going on?" Mike calmly said. "By the looks of it. More unwanted guests this time in the form of Keramon. Those digimon are known for causing havoc on the internet back when I was a kid. But judging by the sheer number of them. It appears each of you will have to take on a target by yourselves. I've already had the police clear out the areas nearby them. And gotten clearance for those of you to make your partners go to the champion level. Any damages done should dissipate once their individual digital fields vanish. Now,Ruin Squad. Roll out." We made our way to the vehicle bay. And each of us went out separate ways to our assigned targets. Corvimon was flying above me the entire time we were going towards it.

"This is Jade to Halsecam. Me and Corvimon have our target's digital field in sight. Going radio silent in 10." "Stinger to Jade:Be careful these digimon are known for possessing any kind of technology they can find. Turn on the firewall function on your digivice. To make sure that cretin can't infiltrate our database."  We entered the digital field. And it looked completely different than anywhere I'd seen. It almost looked like I was inside of a computer. "Calm down Mei this is merely an illusory space made up by Keramon. Meaning that our opponent could come at us at any moment from any direction. So keep your guard up." He must've noticed I was panicking about the area we were in. I took a breath and looked around for any moment. I moved forward and it felt like we were floating. I looked around for any sign of movement. Suddenly I saw a flutter to my left. "Venus gun fire!" I shot my weapon at the part I saw move and it went off without a hitch. Our opponent was wrapped up in thorn covered vines. "Nice Shot Mei." It reached its arm up toward the top of the vines. "Corruption shot." The vines dissipated and Keramon suddenly sprouted another set of arms from its back made out of the very vines he broke. "Tendril blow!" The arms shot forward at me and my partner without a moments hesitation. "Damn he's fast." Corvimon said. "His face is static so I can't tell when his next attack will be. I'll have to pay closer attention to his body language instead. SOLAR BUSTER!!" He fired a shot of energy off from his wings,and launched it towards Keramon. Suddenly when the blast made contact the vine like arms fell off of him and his speed was much higher than it was before. "Damnit. Now what are we gonna do?" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My partner was clearly loosing his cool. I had only managed to get a shot at him because I got lucky. However remembering his movements. I realized that while he could move fast it took him a minute to register what it was I did to him,as well as to fire his attacks. I opened my eyes back up. "Corvimon settle down. I know how to beat him." Our opponent reappeared in an instant. "VIRUS SHOT!" A large orb of red light materialized in his hands and shot off towards us. In that moment Corvimon flew over the blast and grabbed Keramon. "Not so fast now are you. SLASHING FEATHERS!!" His feathers jabbed into our opponent he slithered out of Corvimon's grasp but he couldn't move as fast as he had prior to my partner's attack. "H....ow."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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