Narrator x Eddie (smut)

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The boys had all wanted to meet up again for a while, and today they would finally meet up again. The boys hung out and made a video and they all had a really good/fun time, it eventually became night and they decided that they would stay in a hotel for the night, Josh and Mully would be sharing a room then juicy would have his own room (idk wth he's the only one who gets a room for himself but yeah I guess (☞͡͡°͜ʖ͡͡°)☞ ... Everyone got their rooms- Eddie and narrator walked into their room- (time skip cause we need to get to the spicy part ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👍)

Narrator and Eddie were just chilling on the bed while watching TV in the dark (idk I do that I like the dark idk if that's weird-) Eddie felt that there was eyes looking at him so he looked over to see Narrator looking at him, Narrator and Eddie locked eyes for a second before Narrator looked away quickly while blushing. Eddie quickly noticed how close they were sitting near each other and blushed while then looking back up to see Narrator looking him in the eyes again this time his eyes looked a bit more lustful. They kept eye contact and slowly moved towards each other eventually kissing. -a quick narrator pov- I was about to kiss him then we did I felt rly horny a bit before and this just fuled it more, I grabbed his waist and pulled him into my lap. He let out a small whimper when I grabbed his waist a bit tighter when he whimpered I took the chance and slid my tongue into his mouth... He tasted like tacos... And I wanted more. Narrator quickly pinned Eddie down to the bed making Eddie let out a moan as they were making out they slowly took off both their clothes and then turned up the tv so no one could hear them. Narrator reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a taco and then flipped Eddie over then licked his fingers to use as lube then shoved his fingers roughly into Eddie, as Eddie squirmed and moaned, then pulled them out then the taco that was in Narrators other hand he held closer to Eddie then grabbed Eddies hips tighter and quickly and roughly shoved the taco into him, then roughly pushed it in and out as Eddie was moaning and crying in pleasure begging to go further as he eventually did. Eddie could feel the warm cheese from the taco melting more inside him making him harder and closer to cumming. He was so close but then Narrator grabbed his huge girthy sausage cock and shoved it in Eddie that made Eddie finally let out a loud moan and cum. Narrator looked down at the bed looking to see Eddies cum and was really scared for a second seeing a red substance thinking it was blood then he remembered that Eddie was Mexican so it was stupid he forgot that he would cum hot sauce he then relaxed and ignored it. Narrator still wasn't close so then Eddie told Narrator to lay on his stomach he then started putting his fingers in Narrator when he was he felt something in narrator.. He then decided to pull it out...

It was a voice changer...


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