Mully x Josh

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The boys had been hanging out for a few months and going a lot of places, one day the narrator, Eddie, juicy and Josh were hanging out and suddenly Josh really didn't feel good so he ended up going home and later went to the doctors and found out he had the flu. Mully heard from the other boys that Josh was sick and was a bit worried about him so he drove over to Josh's house. He knocked on the door and Josh didn't answer so he just let himself in because he was a bit worried. He looked through the house and then found Josh half awake on his bed staring at his phone he knocked on his door to let him know he was there. Josh jumped from being a bit startled from the sudden noise and stared at mully for a second and said "hi.." in a stuffy sounding tone, his face was a bit red and to mully that kind of made him feel some kind of way with how he looked sprawled out on his bed with a touch of red to his face, but he let that go a bit. He asked Josh how he was and ended up grabbing Josh a snack and sitting down next to him on his bed, Josh asked mully if he wanted to watch a movie and he said sure, Josh got up and grabbed a remote on his nightstand(?) And turned on the TV near his bed (Idk if that accurate or not?) He turned on Netflix to some random romance-y movie. They sat and watch the movie the movie and as it went on the movie got more spicy and soon there was a sex scene that showed. Mully looked away at anything but the screen while Josh just sat and watched it. Mully looked down at the small ass josh next to him and looked down at all of his features and noticed how warm and red Josh'sface was, mully though felt something awAkEn- in his pants from his friend that he would admittedly dare call Josh to look a bit SUBMISSIVE AND BREEEEEEDDABLE. Josh soon noticed mully staring at how "breedable" his friend looked.. they slowly got closer and mully grabbed up Josh and started making out and smooching like two rabid donkeys trying to suck each other's faces off. It got more heated and Josh got down on his knees and looked up at mully for permission to keep going (CONSENT IS KEEYYY- FVCKKINHELLL MAN-) He starting slurping down his friends cock like a fuckin chug jug, Josh would gag every now and then but he was doing darn good mully eventually got too hard to handle much more but he still wanted to breed Josh so he tore off Josh's pants n shits and without warning penatrated Josh's bum and thrusted into the tiny man below him. He kept going while Josh was moaning and whimpering so loud I'm sure the whole neighborhood could hear, Josh's phone went off beside them, it was juicy calling but they didn't answer it as the loud ringer went off with a familiar song... cbat. Mully went to the song just like that damn reddit dude and got to his climax and rammed into Josh and cream pied him as Josh whined so loud as he came as well (but they didn't half to worry so much about Josh Cummings on the sheets cause all he could get out his dick is a puff of smoke-)
They both fell asleep right after thAt- experience...

Mully then woke up the next morning with his pants off on Josh's bed while Josh looked like a creamed up angel sleeping near him with his hole agape and only in a hoodie

"Fuck I feel sick now too..."

I didn't know if they wanted their username posted so I scratched it out, ALSO it's not that weird LMAOO- like look at the random traumatizing sit I post on here 😭😭😭

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I didn't know if they wanted their username posted so I scratched it out, ALSO it's not that weird LMAOO- like look at the random traumatizing sit I post on here 😭😭😭

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