Eddie x a spicy taco🌮

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3rd person pov.
All the boys had came over to Mullys to hang out for a meet up and all the other boys were out while Eddie was making some tacos for the boys (ya see where this is going?) Cause they wanted "that good authentic Mexican man made tacos" and that.. it very well will be........

Eddie pov./ a bit of 3rd too..

The boys will be gone for a while I'm guessing I'm nearly about done with making the tacos and I'm feeling pretty horny and there's nothing for me to put my dick in besides my hands but ice done that so much that it doesn't feel good anymore... just boring. I really need something to help me there HAS TO BE SOMETHING AROUND HERE-
then I laid my eyes on what laid before me...
The tacos I made for the boys..


I looked down in awe looking at one of the tacos, it was warm with meat, cheese, salsa, and a little tomato and lettuce. And that smooth voluptuous thick shell holding it all together......perfect to hold my dick in~
I swiftly unzipped my pants and pulled a bit of my boxers but not letting then fully down- only revealing my pp through my fly. I stroked it a bit making it exited and harder I then put my tip into the taco making my feel a little pleasure from the warmth of it. I slowly shoved the rest of it into the taco, earning it to let out some greasy juice from within it. I slowly thrusted into it making the meat move and squish.. some falling put of it, I quicked at the sight of its juices covering its thick shell. I was getting to the climax and released into the taco, adding to the amount of spicy hot sauce in it. Somehow the taco wasn't as ruined looking as hee had expected it to be. He picked up the few things that did fall out of the taco and placed it back onto one of the plates planning to take care of it in a bit.

                 ---a few minutes later---

The boys had gotten back and had barged into the house all wanting tacos, I was standing near the table with the tacos on it as they all grabbed at them then I look over to juicy grabbing one of the tacos-
Oh god...
My eyes widened as I was about to speak juicy ran back over to the table sitting near the others
I sat down trying to not think to hard about it until I heard him speak and say with a crunch sound following-

"Mmmm these are really good and filled with sauce Mexican taco man daddy~ 😍"



A few days later...

"Hey Eddie what did you do to these pants bro--!?? Did ya f!ck a taco?!" Mully said jokingly looking at the sauce stains around the crotch of Eddie's pants from him "eating his tacos" as he shoved Eddie's pants into the washing machine

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