Eddie x Mully (BOTTOM)

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The boys had met up again for a fanfic video but in real life, they were all hyped about the weird nonsense they would read together.. and not knowing what would await two of them later that night.... The boys had all met up at narrators and had planned to stay with him for about a week or two. Narrator had a big house with two bedrooms and a nice living room with a nice and big couch that juicy for whatever reason had really liked and had a bit of a fixation on sleeping on it. Josh and juicy would be sleeping on the big couch and Narrator would be in his own room and mully and Eddie would be sharing the guest bedroom. The boys had been setting up fro the fanfic video and were nearly ready to film, the boys were all dressed up fancy for the reading of fucked fanfics. Mully was the last to be ready as he walked out of the bathroom from getting dressed Eddie was watching him as he walked out of the room, he had been staring at him looking pretty sharp in his suit 'n tie. Mully noticed Eddie staring and flirtily said "you like what you see~?" ,Eddie's eyes opened a bit wider surprised with the thing that mully had said to him, his zoned out thought of mully in bed with him was interrupted by juicy running loudly into the room asking if they were ready to record. They both said that they were ready and scattered to the room they were recording in, they all sat down and started the recording. They were talking back and forth reading the fanfic, Eddie's thoughts of mully had gotten stronger and before he knew it the video was over and it was bedtime. Eddie and mully had gotten ready for bed and sat down and started messing around, both were joking around messing with the LED light remote that was In their temporary room. Mully and Eddie were both secretly thinking about each other screwing in bed, as they were laughing searching through the colors narrator had opened their bedroom door saying that the rest of the boys were going to bed- it was now about 11pm ,the boys said goodnight and Narrator closed the door and left for bed. Mully had the remote flipping through each color then he clicked the color to red.. mully looked up from the remote to Eddie and Eddie stared right back, they had been sitting near each other having a good time for a bit but they didn't realize how close they were to each other. The tension had been building  up for hours and they both wanted relief from it, they both leaned in and Eddie put his hands around mullys inner thighs and squeezed them a bit, mully moaned into the messy passionate kiss. The sounds mully had made seemed to caused them both to get pretty hard. Eddie swiftly flipped mully over to his stomach and they both started to get more undressed and harder by the second, Eddie lined himself up to mullys entrance as mully had begged for more and for Eddie to enter him. Eddie put a finger in him for a bit of an easier entrance as he slammed into the man below him as they both made noises of pleasure as they both slowly came to their breaking point. Eddie was about to release himself and pulled out a bit to quick earning a pop like sound from mullys hole🕳 he accidentally came his warm hot sause semen on mullys toes as they curled from the sudden movement, Eddie apparently found that hot n kinky and got another instant erection and shoved his dick back in mully and continued his thrusting movement. Mully yelled and moaned from it all, as he was about overestimated  from it all as he finally came and so did Eddie as they both cleaned up a bit and went to bed. 


everyone woke up to Josh yelling and screaming and everyone ran into the living room to see what was going on. Apparently juicy was standing over Josh naked covered in  nacho cheese (sleep walking-??? Or sleep standing?? I d f k ).


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