he said i have a fire about me
but i will always be
the ocean's daughter
and it was here i was created
laying on the sand
or from the sheets
of the smaller island
born of a love
that had already ran out
and back in the states
where the red dirt
painted my face
the coral salt stirred
fish swam towards the bank
white caps broke beyond the reef
a stingray stopped and floated
the water headed my newborn cry
it knew me
knew me before i had even
set duck footed on the beach
the ocean remembered
she held me in a way
i've longed ever since
her waves rocking
in a sense he couldn't
i mirror the water
not easy entry,
but once you've fought
the view is breathtaking
the ocean loved me so much
she gave me her eyes
my name means
son of the sea
but i truly am
it's beautiful girl
the ocean's daughter
Poetrycollections of poems that essentially serve as my diary! please be critical and help me become a better writer :)