chapter 3

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In 2019 I tried to take my own life.

I was really tired of everything I couldn't take it .

It wasn't that I bad friends or bad parents or anything bad.

I wasn't ungrateful for anything.

I was just unable to find the will to live .

I hated myself and I was so tired of the hatred I felt for myself.

So I went and searched up how many doses does it take to kill someone.

And I added one extra pill to make sure I die.

I passed out.

I woke up in the hospital and my mom just yelled at me.

She never asked why I did it.

She didn't hug me , she didn't do anything she just said "you're crazy".

My dad wasn't even there , I don't think he ever found out.

After that I felt okay.

They never took me to therapy , never considered that something could be wrong.

I had to deal with my own mind alone.

This is how I feel again.

I wish I could unexist.

I wonder what is beyond this world we live in.

I wonder all the time how it would feel to die.

I don't really think about how people would react because I know damn well human beings are capable of moving on.

If I ever kill myself , it'd be for me not for anyone.

Everyone is too selfish and I can't give my life up for them.

I'd give my life up for me .

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