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•~Jade's P.O.V~•
"I feel like I haven't hung out with you in forever." Ponyboy groaned, causing me to giggle.

It had been two weeks since the day he stayed at my house and we had only ever seen each other at school since then. I'd gotten a job at a small cafe so I could stay out later, and so I could buy Ponyboy coffee while he read his books after school.

That was the only time we spent together. We'd both just been so busy that we didn't have time to hang out.

"I'm sorry Pony, I've just been busy," I replied. My parents came home two days ago and they were already packing up to go on their next trip. I begged them to stay for only another day, which my mom first agreed to until my dad said I was being selfish and there was no way they were going to miss a big surgery for their measly daughter.

"Can we hang out tomorrow?" I heard a hint of hope in his voice. I felt my heart shatter.

"I'm sorry, Pony. I have court tomorrow." I sighed.

"Court?" He asked quickly.

"Yeah, for the night Bob jumped me. I have to tell my side even though he admitted to it." I heard the annoyance in my voice at the end. Why would anyone admit to jumping someone if they didn't do it?

"The gang and I can come if you want." I chuckled.

"Soda can hardly sit still for a movie, much less court. Maybe we can hang out after." I could practically see his cheeky smile on the other side of the phone.

"I'd like that." I giggled.

"Jade! It's time to get off the phone!" Jace yelled up the stairs, making me sigh.

"What's wrong, baby?" Ponyboy asked.

"I have to get off the phone." I sighed and began tangling the cord in my fingers.

"Well, hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow." He sighed too.

"Yeah, hopefully." I chuckled.

"Bye, doll."

"I love you, bye." As soon as I put down the phone I realized what I'd said. I'd finally said it. Over the phone?! That was so cheesy!

I quickly ran down the steps as I heard my parent's voices mixed with Jace's. When I got to the bottom step, they were standing in front of the door, saying their goodbyes.

"Jade, sweetie. Come here." My mom waved me over. I dragged my feet, slight. I didn't want them to leave so soon. Even if my dad was kind of an asshole, we had our good times and my mom was an absolute angel. I just didn't understand why they wanted to work instead of spend time with their kids.

I hugged her tightly, silently telling myself not to cry like every time they left.

"I promise, next time I'll try to stay longer." I sighed before pulling away.

"You say that every time." I saw hurt flash in her eyes. I'd hurt her and honestly, I didn't care.

"We'll see you guys in a couple of weeks," Dad announced before pulling mom away with him, out of the door. I felt Jace sling his arm around my shoulders.

"We don't need them, Jade. We never did." I remember my mom's face and something she'd told me when I was little. Well, they were more like stories.

My mom had been a Greaser, a very nice Greaser girl. She always fantasizes about being a Soc. She met my dad in biology class. They started going out, despite all of the people's complaints about a Soc and Greaser dating. They applied for the same college, my mom got in on a scholarship and my dad bought his way in. They both became high-class surgeons and then they had Jace.

Then he started complaining about how she gained weight, I mean hell she just had a baby, you idiot. Then, he cheated. My mom didn't want to leave him because she had nowhere to go. Her parents died of old age before Jace and I and my dad put all of their money in his bank account. No one wanted a female surgeon, so she would simply help my dad with his surgeries. Then eleven years later, I was born.

My dad was ecstatic about having a daughter and I remembered when we were close. However, once I got older he didn't like me as much. I couldn't understand why.

"I told him I loved him," I replied in a daze.

"What?" Jace turned to me. I pulled my lip between my teeth and looked at him.

"Ponyboy, it slipped out and I hung up." Jace stared at me.

"You better hope court gets out early so you can see him." I nodded.

I wanted to tell him that it was an accident and then it all be over with because I knew, or thought I knew, that Ponyboy didn't feel the same. I'd read a book somewhere that said guys fell in love slower than girls did. I hoped that wasn't true.
Word Count:850

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖, Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now