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As we rowed to the cobblestone shore to take our rest we set up camp as the sunlight vanished signalling to us it was night. Each of us stood up from our boast and got to work on a fire, setting out our bed packs. Boromir overlooked the river we had rowed down with a frightened look on his face I approached to get a closer look as to what made him so fearful. "Gollum. He has been tracking us for days now. I hoped we would lose him on the river. But he is too clever a waterman" you spoke informing Boromir of what you knew. He only turned to look at you not saying a single word. "Y/n" you heard that familiar voice again "Yes Legolas" you said smiling to yourself. "Are you quite alright I think you should take some rest we have long travels yet to go" he continued softly "I would not want you to be tired". You turned to him and nodded your head as neither of you were on watch tonight you make your way over to where you shall be sleeping you try and get as comfy as you can and u finally drift off but then your eyes snap open You looked at Legolas to see if he too was awake. He was. Your ears perked up sensing a sudden quarrel from Aragorn and Boromir arguing over which route we should take. Legolas looked at you "i wouldn't worry y/n" he said gently over gimlis snores "Aragorn can hold his own" "I would not take the ring within 10 leagues of your city" Aragorn rose his voice. Sensing your discomfort Legolas edged closer to you still sitting down rapping an arm around your waist. Your whole body erupted in butterflies as he did so, you felt a heat rising to your cheeks making eye contact with him you smiled gratefully as you rest your head on his broad shoulder, you felt his body tense up as you did so but soon relax again as his fingers intertwined with some of your hair. you thought no one could see either of you so you were quite at ease but little did you know Aragorn after walking off from his disagreement with Boromir had spotted the two of you. Smiling to himself. "Let's get some sleep y/n" legolas spoke gently laying you down with him as he began to hum a soft elven lullaby you floated off to sleep.

The next morning you awoke early still in Legolas's arms he made you feel so warm that you didn't even feel a slight breeze throughout the night. lost in your thought you look up at a smiling legolas who must've awoke before you did. You smile back at him as he asks "did you sleep well y/n" in his usual calming tone you replied by nodding and nestling in closer to him as you did his arms tightened around your waist pulling you closer to him savouring the time before the fellowship awoke to continue the journey. As minuets went by the sun slowly began to rise as the rest of the fellowship awoke, you and Legolas moved apart in order to not draw any attention to yourselves you stood up and began packing up your blankets. Before you knew it you were getting back on the boats again rearranging the cloaks, bags etc you got organised as Boromir approached grabbing an oar to begin rowing however Legolas interfered coming over to enter the boat you were in. After what felt like hours you finally found land again and took your leave setting up camp once more.

As Aragorn and Gimli bickered and Gimli becoming very insulted when Aragorn suggested he should get some rest to gain his strength, you noticed Legolas looking through the trees you stood next to him questioning what he can see as Aragorn marches over to you  "we should leave now" Legolas continues "a shadow of threat draws near i can feel it" you immediately felt worried. but before you could say anything "Where's Frodo" Merry questions from behind us. You swiftly turn round noticing that Boromir was also missing "Boromir"  you say grabbing your bow and making your way into the woods trying to find them ignoring legolas's calls. You hear raised voices as you follow the sound stopping briefly in hope your elf eyes could see something. They could not. That was until you felt something, something like someone knocking into you, you keep looking.  No one there. You look down at the floor as you see leaves being crunched by nothing other than air it seemed. You decided to follow this hoping it would be a sign as you approached a rocky ledge Frodo appears practically out of thin air.

You look at him confused "frodo?" you question he runs up to you as you put two and two together and realise it was the ring which must have been hiding him "it has taken Boromir" he says full of fright you try to comfort him "frodo i swore to protect you" you assure him still filled with worry he questions "can you protect me from yourself?" as he offers the ring out to me. I hear the ring speak almost drawing me in closer asking me to take it. I kneel down next to frodo and clutch his hands folding the ring back into his palm "would you destroy it" he asks me teary eyed as you can tell he's close to tears "Frodo... I would've gone with you to the end. To the very fires of Mordor" you say to him sympathetically. "I know" he replied "look after the others particularly Sam he will not understand" as he is saying this you spot a slight glinting looking to where it is coming from you notice Frodo's sword lighting blue. "Go Frodo. Run. Run" you plead with him. As you grab your bow getting ready to hold the orcs off. As they come in to view you see hundreds of them marching up towards you. As they start coming closer you aim arrow after arrow hitting a different opponent each time. As they draw nearer you whip out your sword from your side slashing at any ofc that came near you. They were coming faster and faster as you were praying the others were going to show up soon as you try and hold them off for as long as possible. "Find the halflings" you hear one orc growl instructions to the others. It was at this time you saw Aragorn approach slashing at orcs again and again as Gimli did the same with his axe. You turn around after hearing an orc come up from behind you but you were beat to it at Legolas had struck him before he could hurt you. As the four of you fought what felt like hundreds of orcs you heard a horn sound out. "the horn of Gondor" Aragorn said as he rushed to where the sound was coming from. You finished up your fight there as you followed Aragorn to where Boromir must be. However when you arrived he was laying in Aragorn arms pain on his face as he spoke. You walked over to him in order to say your final goodbyes as you knelt down near him placing a soft kiss on his forehead. All the life in his eyes had left signalling he had passed on as you used your hands to gently shut his eyes so he looked peaceful.

Knowing you were safe from orcs for now Aragorn placed Boromirs body in one of the boats and gently sailed him off to sea. As we each took a moment to grieve Legolas grabbed one of the remaining boats saying "Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore. We must be quick in order to follow them" you shook your head "you mean not to follow them" Legolas asked me but before i could answer Aragorn had for me "No. Frodo must do this on his own now".  "So that's it then the fellowship has failed" Gimli says as we all look at eachother disheartened. "No" Aragorn continues "We shall not let Merry and Pippin be abandoned to torment. we travel light" you smiled at eachother. As you headed to track Merry And Pippin.

***sorry luvs I know this one has not been my best. A hopefully the next chapter shall be better***

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