Chapter 7: Behind Bars

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I was ushered through the city in chains, both on my wrists and on my ankles. I guess I really made an impression on these people because crowds of townsfolk made the effort to come see the criminal on parade that caused so much havoc. All the owners of the carts I ruined were yelling slanders and demanding compensation for their destroyed goods, but the guards just pushed them out of the way in annoyance. A couple of them retaliated by throwing their damaged goods at me, but they gave up on this endeavour the moment a tomato exploded on the back of a guard's neck. This man was given five quick lashes on his back for his mistake, so I could only imagine how bad my punishment was going to be.

We finally made it to the center of the city where a large building resembling that of a courthouse was located, with prison bars all along the basement windows to keep the accused close at hand. I was pushed through a side door that led right to the basement. After a couple of words to the jailor, two guards threw me into a free cell with the largest window. I thought this was actually quite kind of them, until a bunch of the angry cart owners used this opening to continue throwing their smashed fruits, vegetables and dirty bread at me. The guards laughed at my humiliation, but I took a bite of an apple just to spite them.

"You won't be so smug once we get the lashing post up, little boy."

I couldn't let them know how scared I was, so I just smiled and sarcastically replied, "Sounds kinky. But I'm afraid I'll be gone before we get the chance to use it."

They laughed at this remark. "There's no escaping your punishment. The Captain will make sure of that..."

"Oh? And who is he?"

"He's the one with the severed hand, thanks to you!"

I really should have seen that coming.

The guards left me to the mercy of the townsfolk at my window, but they didn't stay for long when they knew that the real show was coming later. I'm sure they had some damage control to get back to anyways.

I was finally free to stare out my window in peace. It looked out toward the town square just in front of the courthouse, much like the one back in Kent. Although their square was much bigger and more populated than ours. I couldn't help but wonder if this was where they held their bonding ceremonies, or if they even bothered with such traditions; clearly they did not have a population problem, and therefore didn't need to force marriages. Come to think of it, I'm sure this town didn't even classify as a border city... I could only assume that I was travelling north into Galacian territory.

I turned back around to the guard left on watch duty. "Hey, what town is this?"

He snorted. "You're about to get executed by lashing and you don't even know where you are?! What kind of person just walks into a new town and decides to destroy the place?"

Executed... my punishment just got worse.

I decided that the best way to get answers out of this guy would be to trick him into talking. "Galacian scum, such as yourself."

He laughed, "You must really be lost, boy."

I was still in Romallia...

"Well, at least I now know what Empire I'll be dying in."

"The better of the two, I'm sure you'll agree."

"Of course." I had to lie; I hated them both equally, but that doesn't get you very many friends in this world. "So what fair city has the honour of killing a runaway such as myself?"

"Oh, a runaway you say? Well, that's disappointing."

"Why is that?"

"Some of the lads were placing bets on who you are. A little hell raiser such as yourself must come from somebody important to account for your skills and arrogance."

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