Chapter 34: Unwanted News

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The scruffy man's plan was all we had to go on.

I dedicated myself to my training, praying that my efforts wouldn't go unnoticed at the weeks end when Tiberius returned.

Most of my evenings were uneventful. I did my best to make sure Shailene saw me as an exhausted warrior who needed his rest. She was desperate to have me while her husband was away, but I was clever enough to keep her advances minimal. I avoided her gaze and prayed that she wouldn't force me to her chamber.

Thankfully she left me to my cell all week, but I knew that her cravings would only get more demanding. On the night before her husband's return, while the rest of the household was occupied by Sextus' whores, Shailene would make her move.

The waiting game was coming to an end; that night had finally come.

I sat against the wall with my dinner in hand, watching as the gladiators stomached their food as fast as humanly possible in anticipation for their reward. Shailene had already made the announcement that morning. Our efforts had not gone unnoticed, so Sextus would arrive with his girls after dinner as long as we didn't bring cause to change her mind during the day. The men were all on their best behaviour, so it could only be assumed that the girls were being dragged to the grounds that very moment.

Bash and Evander had joined the merriment by the wooden bench where the men were already staking their claim to the girls they favoured. As much as I disapproved of men laying claim to women like property, I had to admit that it was nice to see the men so jolly.

Some of them had truly become my friends. It was going to be hard leaving them behind to rot in Tiberius' company, but there wasn't much I could do about it.

No more pledges of rescue. I had to stop forming attachments to people if I was to save my brother. It's all about priorities; something I was lacking of late, but hoped to make up for once I escaped.

Quintus was describing one whore's perfect breasts as Theo, Newt and the rest of the men laughed heartily. I was so distracted by his animated account of their first romp that I didn't notice Lucius come slinking up beside me.

His voice startled me. "Jealous, boy?"

"What do you want, Lucius?"

He smiled with malice. "Just curious as to your conquests. I've noticed that you don't join the men in celebration, so I can't help but wonder if it's because you have nothing to say."

"I've got plenty to say. I just don't need to share it."

"So you admit to bedding our Domina?"

I choked on a chunk of bread, surprised by his accusations. "Excuse me? I admit to no such thing."

"But she certainly favours you. I can't help but question her attachment to you. If sex has nothing to do with it, then why have I heard whispers of encounters between the two of you in her private chambers?"

He was trying to get a rise out of me.

"Nothing happened. She just wishes to discuss my future as a gladiator-"

"Spare me your excuses. I have eyes everywhere. I know what truly goes on behind closed doors."

Of course he would have friends amongst the guards. Lucius had this placed wrapped around his little finger, and he wasn't going to give up his status as champion gladiator to the mistress' favourite plaything.

His venomous smile grew. "The rest of the men might be ignorant to our Domina's true motivation for the whores, but I know that it is merely a distraction so she can have you all to herself before her husband returns tomorrow. She has played this trick before, and Sextus was happy to oblige." He paused to take in my reaction.

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