Chapter 2 - Reyna

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Reyna sat in the Garden of Bacchus, quietly taking in her surroundings. Soon she would be off for another mission with the Hunters of Artemis, and wouldn't be at peace for a while. She missed Hylla, she wondered how her lady was doing without her.

"I thought I'd find you here."

Reyna whipped out her knife and spun around, startled, and found her blade to the throat of Lady Artemis.

"Oh, it's you." Reyna sheathed her knife and stood up. "What makes you visit me at this time?"

Artemis grumbled as she stood up. "I have a quest to ask of you."

"Oh?" Reyna replied, fascinated with what would be to come, hoping it won't turn out like the TF hunt.

"The demigods are at Goode High School in New York."


"There is a threat among them. The demigods are completely unaware, and they will need yours and Thalia Grace's protection. Go, pack now. You leave in half an hour." 

The thought of seeing her girlfriend again lifted her spirits, but something felt wrong about this quest... something Artemis wasn't telling her.


Reyna left the garden and returned to the Hunters' tent.


Reyna spun around, her dagger ready in her hand, a little more cautious this time, only to find herself face-to-face with none other than Thalia Grace herself.

"Thalia!" She launched herself at Thalia and hugged her tightly. 

"You heard about Artemis' mission?" Reyna asked, curiously.

"Yes, I did." Thalia nodded swiftly. "Are you prepared?"

"Aside from not packing, yes." Reyna replied boldly.

"Strategy." Thalia insisted. "I don't normally ask for strategy, but we need a strategy this time."

Reyna nods. "Proceed."

"We can't tell any of the others." Thalia said grimly "We can't have them fear a monster that even we don't know."

"Yeah." Reyna agreed. That's a good plan, besides the fact that we have to hide something big and potentially lethal from our friends.

Reyna started putting things in her collapsible tent, while listening to Thalia muttering plans in Ancient Greek on the side.

"Will you speak English?" Reyna demanded. "I exist too, you know."

"Sorry, Rey." Thalia smirked.

Reyna finished packing and nodded towards the door. "I'm ready."

"Okay, Artemis is coming in a bit." Thalia reported. "Remember, if the others ask what we're doing here, say that Artemis is letting us take a break to go to high school."

"That's a horrible idea." Reyna teased. "They'll never buy it, we're immortal."

"Like you could come up of a better idea." Thalia shot back, smirking.

"I doubt it." Reyna smirked, knowing her praetor experience over commanding troops will give her an edge.

"Wanna bet?" Thalia grinned, "How about ten drachmas?"

"You're on, Thals." Reyna stated confidently.

"Go on, I'm listening." Thalia mimed cupping a hand over her ears to listen.

Reyna rolled her eyes, out of annoyance.

"Clearly, we're immortal, so if we follow your plan, they'll get suspicious. Theoretically speaking, if we tell them that we are here to spend some more quality time with them, it will be less suspicious. Right?" Reyna rattled off, trying to formulate plans in her head like during a battle. "I mean, we should just act calm, and go with the flow. Not everything needs a plan, Pinecone Face."

"Your idea is just as bad as mine," Thalia smirked, "I think we'll call it a tie."

"At least mine doesn't have something Artemis never told us," Reyna retorted. 

"Watch it, Praetor," Thalia's voice rose, "I am the lieutenant of Artemis, and I can tell you what to do."

Reyna pursed her lips together, displeased with Thalia's command, but listening to her nonetheless. 


Reyna looked up to see Thalia smiling.

"I'm just kidding, Rey." Thalia offered sweetly, "You know how to take a joke, right?"

"Yes, Thals, I do, you know-" Reyna started.

Thalia cut her off with a passionate kiss, and for a second, Reyna was so shocked she forgot to kiss back, but she quickly melted into the kiss. She wrapped her arm around Thalia's waist, taking in her lips that tasted like pine, but in a good way. 

"Ahem." A familiar voice broke them apart, as Reyna whipped out her knife, mainly out of shock.

It was Artemis.

Reyna sneaked a look at Thalia, who was blushing worse than a tomato. Reyna bet that her face was even worse than Thalia's.

"Sorry-" Thalia began.

"I don't need to know about your love life, thank you very much." Artemis grumbled, "I was waiting outside, but neither of you showed up for 3 minutes, so I came in to see what was going on. Never in a thousand years have I ever  walked into this."

"Sorry, Lady Artemis." Reyna apologized, but Artemis was already leaving.

"Hurry up, ladies. Come outside, and no more PDA please." Artemis turned and left.

Reyna glanced at Thalia, who nodded, and the two of them left the room.


A/N: Here's chapter 2 for y'all! We hope you enjoyed it! We're trying to post on a more consistent schedule now, but there is still a lot of brain dumping to do, so hang in there. 

Please, please, please, vote and share with your friends. Every bit helps us out a lot, so we'd really appreciate it!

Thanks again, demigods!

- daughters_of_bellona ⚔️

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