Chapter 4 - Jason

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"Man, that's so cool." Frank's eyes were trained on Percy, who was twirling Riptide (in pen form, of course) around his fingers. 

Percy grinned. "I know, right?" 

"Can I try?" Jason asked. "Bet I could do it better than you." 

"Boys." Piper sighed from the mat. 

Percy handed Jason the pen, who then proceeded to drop it on the mat. The cap fell off and Riptide sprung into full form, nearly slicing off Jason's shoes.

"Superman can't spin a pen-" Leo crowed, doubling over in fits of laughter. "But Aquaman can... Dude, that's hilarious."

Everyone broke out laughing. Jason looked down, embarrassed.

"Sorry guys." Jason interrupted. "I have some History homework that I have left from Friday. I have to go now."

"Sure, go ahead." Leo pushed out, through fits of laughter.

Jason stood up and left the room.


Dude, that's hilarious, Leo had said. They were laughing. At him

You aren't blind enough not to see it. All his life they had called him the Prince of the Universe, hell, that's who he was trained to become the day he was born. The Prince of the Universe. And yet, when Percy came along to Camp Jupiter...

No way, Jason reminded himself. Percy wouldn't deliberately steal my spotlight.

But accidentally, he might... Percy's my friend. He deserved to be praetor. Did he though? Jason earned that title by working hard, from the bottom rank to the top. All Percy did was win some stupid war.

He stepped down for me. Yeah, because he was being nice. Those dead legionnaires didn't obey me. Because he became a mix of Greek and Roman, one of the only ones to- So is Percy though.

"Hey. You okay?" Frank asked, eyes worried.

"Yeah, just thinking." Jason sighed.

"Okay... I'm just going to-" he awkwardly gestured to the washroom.

"Sure, go ahead." Jason nodded his head, still in thought.

"You should go to the beach." Frank offered. "Everyone's already there, waiting for you."

Jason sighed, and nodded. He trudged over, backpack in hand.

Over the chattering mortals, he spotted the other demigods. They were all laughing and shoving each other- none of them seemed to notice that Jason was gone. Even Piper was sitting on the sand, laughing. In the center was Percy, talking animatedly, and Annabeth slapping him on the arm playfully.

Did they really forget about me? No, they'd never do that to him.

Everyone clapped and whistled as Percy rode the waves without a surfboard. That was good, but... such a show-off. Even a mortal can do better than that.

I should be supportive of them. Of Percy. But why should he be when all Percy did was show off? Percy isn't showing off. Or was he? 

Jason moved towards earshot of the group to hear what they were talking about.

"That's awesome, Perce." Frank complimented. "It's so cool that you're a son of Poseidon and you can do that."

"Thanks, man." Percy replied, sassily. It was the beach, and it was Percy's home turf, after all. That doesn't mean he can show off all he wants. Is Percy even showing off though? Yes, he was.

Jason had enough. He stepped out of his hiding spot. 

"Hey guys!" Jason tried to be enthusiastic. "What's going on?"

"Oh hey bro." Percy turned around, "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Jason replied curtly, "You?"

As a conversation drifted on, Jason didn't know it then, but that would be the last he was still friends with Percy.


A/N: Here's chapter 4 for y'all! Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please vote + comment + share with your friends. What are your thoughts on Jason so far? 

Thanks again, demigods!

- daughters_of_bellona ⚔️

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