Chapter 5 - Annabeth

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Annabeth and the others watched Percy and Jason talk with amusement, although there was definitely an air of tension between the two today, as if sparks were going off both of their hands.

"I have to leave now." Piper announced. "You guys have fun, I'll see you later."

"Go ahead." Annabeth hugged Piper, "Meet you at your place later?"

Piper nodded, and waved at the group. "Don't do something dumb without me, Sparky."

"Yeah, got it." Jason said, rolling his eyes absentmindedly. "You know I'm not an idiot, Beauty Queen."

It was Piper's turn to roll her eyes. "Remember Kansas? You and Percy would've died if I weren't there."

"Yeah, yeah, I won't." Jason promised, although it sounded hollow- a bad day, perhaps? 

"Just making sure." Piper turned to Annabeth, "Keep him under check, won't you?"

Annabeth nodded swiftly, then she turned her attention back to Percy, who was in the middle of gambling with Leo.

"Bet you five drachmas that Jason doesn't do that." Leo whispered to Percy, who grinned, and they shook hands. 

Annabeth rolled her eyes, and punched Percy in the shoulder playfully. "Don't lose all your money, Seaweed Brain."

Percy smiled coyly. "Who said I had any to begin with?"

Annabeth shook her head and sighed. 

"Hey bro," Jason turned his attention to Percy, his blue eyes obviously overtaking his calmness. "Bet you I can surf without a board better than you."

"Boys, boys." Annabeth intervened, before things got too ugly, "I'm sure you both are great at surfing without boards, but can you please keep it down? Jason, you promised Piper, remember?"

Percy whined, like a sad puppy. "Please, Wise Girl, just once?" 

Her eyes softened. "Fine. Just once." 

"I'll... Just watch." Frank said, sitting down onto the blanket. "Plus, brownies!!" He pointed smugly at the plate he was holding. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hazel asked, frowning. "Somebody might get hurt." 

"Lighten up, Hazel." Leo laughed. "They'll live." 


Percy won. Annabeth should've known, considering they were in Percy's domain- or, his father's domain, she supposed. 

"YES! LET'S GO!" Percy whooped, punching his fist to the air. 

She rolled her eyes, but kissed his cheek. "Good job, Seaweed Brain." 

"No." Jason stood up with an unreadable expression. "Let's go again."

Percy frowned. "Why? I need my daily intake of brownies now." 

"Again," he said. "Let's go again." 

It was Frank's turn to make a face. "But we need to have our holy brownie moment, dude, you know how important it is." 

"It's not fair." Jason mumbled, just barely loud enough for Annabeth to hear. 

"It's not fair." He said, louder. Jason turned towards Percy, who put hand on his shoulder. 

"Jason? You alright, bro?" 

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" He yelled, shaking Percy's hand off. Before Annabeth could break Jason apart from him, he pushed Percy into the water, causing him to stumble. 

"Whoa, man, calm down." Percy said, putting his hands up in surrender. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but let's just talk it out, okay?" 

"You've always been the perfect guy," Jason said, narrowing his eyes. It wasn't anything like the Jason that Annabeth knew. 

"You've broken all the rules, but who cares? You're still perfect." Everyone was listening now, but no one made a move to stop him. They must've all wanted to hear Jason speak, they suppose. 

"All you did was vanquish Kronos. I  toppled the throne." Jason laughed harshly. "The king doesn't have the power- the soldiers do."

"You stood on safe ground when I  was freaking flying the sky, fighting the Earth Mother. And what did you get in return? An entire camp bowed down to you." He jabbed his finger to Percy's chest. 

"Jason, stop, this isn't you." Hazel stood up, brown eyes full of worry. "Are you okay?" 

She tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but he flinched away, as if her touch was poisonous. 

"Get away from me." His tone had gone completely cold, as he pushed her away, before walking into the crowd of mortals. 

"And stay that way." 


A/N: Who was expecting that? We're so sorry for not posting for a couple of weeks... Procrastination rules, you know? Anyways, please vote and share this story with friends, we'd appreciate it!

-daughters_of_bellona ⚔️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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