Chapter 2

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Devons Pov:

I'm now on my way to school and I'm really not in the mood to see Claire..

When I arrived at school I immediately find Kim waiting for me at our usual spot.

I can't help but chuckle at that as I jog over to him before hugging him tightly.

"I've missed you so much!" I tighter wrap my arms around him and so does he.

"I missed you too! Wow, you look even better in person!" Kim exclaims excitedly, making me chuckle softly.

We eventually pull away after a while. "You know I'm not into guys." I remind him and he laughs at that.

"I know, don't worry." He replies while patting my shoulder.

" about I show you around? It's way bigger than our middle school." Kim tells me while walking into the building, so I quickly follow him.


I look around with wide eyes.

"This is huge!" I exclaim shocked.

"I know, right?" I hear Kim comment, which makes me chuckle.

I hit his side with my elbow at that, making him laugh too.


"So..that's pretty much it." He says as he stops walking and turns around to face me.

"Are there any clubs?" I ask curiously, making him smirk.

"Yes, there's a theater club. I know you love singing and dancing. Annnd..Claire is in that club too." Kim says while wiggling his eyebrows at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Why is everyone teasing me about her? I'm over her." I groan annoyed.

He just hums in response, making me groan again. "Let's just go to class.." I mumble before walking away from him.

"Do you even have your schedule yet?" Kim asks with a smirk while crossing his arms.

I sigh. "No."

"I need to go now though. You know where the principals office is. I'll see you at lunch." He says and patts my shoulder before leaving.

I sigh again and then walk to the principals office. But when I walk around the corner I accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh shit, sorry." I say and quickly pick up their books.

But when I look up I find a girl standing in front of me.

But when I look up I find a girl standing in front of me

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Damn she's hot..

"Nah all good, don't worry." She replies with a small smirk.

"'re new here?" She asks as I hand her her books.

"Um..not really. I just moved back here after four years. I'm Devon."  I answer with a small smile, which she returns.

"I'm Chloe, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I reply with a shy smile.

"We're you about to go to the principals office?" Chloe asks, making me blush.

"Um..I was but I can't find it." I mutter, which makes her chuckle.

"I can show you." She suggests with a grin.

"Sure." I respond while smirking as well.

"I already know we're going to be good friends."  Chloe comments before taking my hand and walking with me to the office.

A few moments after we arrive, so she stops. "So..we're here." She says and slowly lets my hand go.

"You want me to wait?" She asks with a small smirk, making me slightly blush.

"I mean..if you want to.." I mutter embarrassedly, which makes her chuckle.

"I'll wait, now go in there." Chloe tells me and I smile shyly before knocking on the door and then walking in.

This girl is someone else..

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