Chapter 18

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Devons Pov:

I close the door of my room behind us and then walk over to my bed. I lay down on my back with a deep sigh.

"Well this wasn't embarrassing at all." I groan while covering my face with my hands.

I hear Claire chuckle. "C'mon, it wasn't that bad."

I was about to answer when I suddenly feel her sit down on my lap. My eyes immediately widen and I pull my hands away from my face to look at her.

"Oh wow." I breath out, which makes her grin.

Claire licks her lips while putting her hands under my shirt and on my stomach. I gasp at that and her grin widens as she leans down to kiss me. I instantly kiss her back while putting my hands on her back. As she starts to move against me both of our breathing gets heavier.

I grab the bottom of her shirt, on which she pulls away. I sit up at that, making her fall down on my lap. I then grab her shirt and help her take it off. Claire brushes her hair away from her face before leaning back in to kiss me.

I put my hands on her lower back and pull her body more into mine. But then she puts her hands under my shirt and drags them down my stomach, making my breath hitch. I quickly pull away from her, which makes her frown.

As much as I enjoy this I know that I need to tell her about my secret..

There are many things she doesn't know about me yet. The biggest one is probably that I'm intersex. I don't want do be..more intimate without telling her first.

"Um..I hoped we could talk?" I ask while giving her a sheepish smile.

"Now?" Claire asks confused and I nod shyly.

"Um..okay.." she mutters while getting off my lap and sitting down next to me on the bed.

I start to nervously fiddle with my hands. "Okay" I stop talking when she takes my hands.

"It's just me, okay? Don't need to be nervous." Claire tells me and I sigh deeply.

"Okay..I um..I was born with both female and male parts.." I mutter, which makes her eyes widen.

"O-Oh." I immediately look down embarrassedly.

"Hey hey hey. There's nothing wrong with it." She says while gently cupping my cheeks and lifting my head to make me look at her again.

"I um..I just didn't expect it." She adds while slowly brushing her thumbs over my cheeks.

" don't have a problem with it?" I ask shyly and she immediately shakes her head.

"Of course not! I like you. Not what's in your pants." Claire tells me, making me smile soflty.

"So..wanna continue where we left off?" She asks, which makes me chuckle.

So I turn to face her and then gently push her down on her back before leaning down and kissing her. We continue to make out for a while until I pull away to kiss down her jaw and to her neck. Claire breaths out deeply at that and I interwine my fingers with hers. I pin her hands down next to her head as I start to gently suck and bite her neck.

Claire softly starts to whimper at that while moving her body against mine. After a while I kiss down her chest and to her stomach, making sure to leave some hickeys here and there.

"Fuck.." she moans out, which makes me stop kissing her stomach and look up to her.


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