Chapter 14

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Chloes Pov:

It's still Friday but afternoon now. I'm just laying in my bed watching Netflix and doing nothing else.

But then the doorbell suddenly rings, making me sit up. Who could that be..

"Chloe, someone wants to speak with you." Dad yells and I groan before getting off my bed and walking downstairs.

"Who is i-" I stop talking when I see dad with the person who just ringed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"I wanted to talk to you." Megan says as she walks inside a little.

"I'll leave you two alone. Good to see you again, Megan." Dad says and gives me a small smirk before walking back into the living room.

"Let's just go to my room.." I mumble before walking back upstairs with her following me.

I go into my room and after Megan walks in I close the door behind her. I turn around and then sit down next to her on the bed.

"So..what do you want to sa-"

"I love you too." She interrupts me, which makes my eyes widen.

"Y-You love me too?" I ask stunned and she nods shyly.

"Talking to Claire and Devon made realized that I shouldn't be so scared. You're more important than my stupid reputation. If my parents don't like that then fine, I don't care. They can ground or kick me out as much as they want, it won't change how I feel about you." Megan says, which makes me smile widly.

I turn to my side to face her and then cup her cheeks and press my lips against hers. Our kiss lasts for a few seconds until we eventually pull away.

"How long has it been since we kissed?" Megan asks while her lips slightly brush against mine, sending shivers through my body.

"Hm..two months?" I reply and she smiles before kissing me again.

"I missed it." She mutters as I start to play with her shirt.

"Me too." I reply before putting my hands under her shirt and on her back.

"You were definitely not lying when you said your love language is physical touch." Megan laughs, which makes me smile.

" and Devon hooked up, huh?" She asks and I can't help but laugh at her jealousy.

"Just once, not more. But Claire's a lucky girl." I respond and she puts my hands away from her and turns away from me.

"Aww don't be jealous. I'm way luckier!" I exclaim with a laugh while wrapping my arms around her but she won't look at me.

So I get up from my bed and in front of her. I slowly take off my shirt and then throw it on the floor, which makes her raise an eyebrow.

I then sit down on her lap and gently push her on her back on the bed. Megan gasps at that and I lean down to kiss her.

But then suddenly the door opens, which makes me jump off Megan.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt but I wanted to ask if Megan wants to stay over night since it's already pretty late." Dad says and Megan turns to me with a smile.

"I'd love to."


It's now a bit later and Megan and I are just sitting on the couch, watching a movie with my dad. We're watching the movie called 'the shaft' and it's a horror movie about many different stages from stage 0 to over 300.

Since it's sometimes pretty scary Megan cuddles into me and I can't complain about that. We have a small blanket over us, since she froze a little and right now I'm taking that as my advantage.

My hand is resting on Megan's thigh and I'm slowly moving my fingers all over it, making her sometimes tense a little.

"Okay you two, I'm going to bed now. Don't stay up too long you have school tomorrow." Dad says while getting up and we look up to him with a small smile.

"Well go to sleep after the movie's over." I tell him and he smiles at me before going to his room.

"Goodnight!" He yells back before closing his bedroom door.

I then turn back to Megan and she smirks at me before laying down on the couch. I start to grin and then get on top of her. She puts her hands on the bottom of my shirt and smirks up to me, so I take off my shirt. After that I lean down and give her a soft kiss before cuddling into her chest.

"So..about you think she likes Devon?" I ask while lifting my head to look at her.

"Hm...I don't really know, to be honest. I mean..Claire never liked a girl before, damn I don't even think she liked anyone before." Megan answer and brushes the hair out of my face before placing her hand on my cheek.

"I think she just needs time to figure stuff out." She adds and then leans up to softly kiss my lips.

"Yeah..probably." I mumble before laying my head back on her chest.

"Claire probably just needs time for herself to think." Megan says and I nod in agreement.

"And..what about us? What happens in school tomorrow?" I ask as I start playing with her hair.

"I know it's scary Megan but I don't want you to hide your true self. If the others or your parents don't accept you then they're just stupid. You can stay with me if they ground you or kick you out. Or I'll just talk to them, maybe I can help? Maybe they'll see how much I love you." I tell her and she starts to hold onto me tighter.

"I don't know, Chloe. I'm just so scared." Megan mumbles and I lean in to kiss her neck.

"I know, it's always scary to come out but I'm by your side. Just as Claire and Devon. I know you two haven't had a good experience together but I know you two would be great friends." I say and she starts to drag her fingers through my hair.

"Sit up." She tells me, so I do.

She sits up as well and then takes my hand. "Okay..we'll make it official, for everyone." She says, which makes my eyes widen.

"Really?" I ask shocked and she nods.

"But under one condition." Megan adds, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Be my girlfriend again?" She asks with a shy smile, which makes me smile widly.

"Of course, idiot!" I lean in and press my lips against hers.

She instantly kisses me back while dragging her hands down my back, making me sigh deeply.

"You wanna go upstairs?" I mutter against her skin as I go to kiss her neck.

Megan hums in response. "Yeah, please."

I then slowly get off her and pick her up. She quickly wraps her legs around my waist and holds onto me. I go upstairs and into her room. I quickly lock the door and then walk with her to her bed, before laying her down. When I get on top of her I notice her eyes.

Damn..they're full of lust and desire..

"Chloe." She calls me, which makes me look at her.

"Yes, love?" I ask while taking off my shirt.

Megan grabs my hand and puts it in her underwear. "Make me scream." She whispers seductively, making a big grin appear on my face.

"Your wish is my command."

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