Chapter 17: Book

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Two years later, 2034

[CW: referenced/implied homophobia]

After two long years of writing and editing, Hinata's book "Ninja Shoyo" was finally being released. It would be available not only in Japanese but also in Portuguese, Italian and English. The book detailed Hinata's career from that fateful day in Miyagi where he biked past a television showing the Tiny Giant, to his retirement in Italy 21 years later.

Of course, the book talked about Kageyama. A lot. But they had agreed, due to possible backlash from some segments of the population, that he would not explicitly mention their relationship. So he talked about Kageyama as a friend and teammate, but also mentioned how they moved to Italy together. The general consensus was that anyone who read the book would figure out that they were a couple without Hinata ever saying that specifically.

Although they had talked about it extensively, Shoyo was continually worried about the fallout for Tobio. He figured that Tobio didn't choose to out himself to the whole world, and he constantly worried about possible consequences, despite his husband's reassurances.

Today was no different. The couple had planned a big signing party at their apartment in Tokyo and invited all of their friends. While Tobio was excited to see everyone, Hinata seemed pensive that morning.

"You okay, babe? What's wrong?" Tobio asked as he saw Shoyo scowling over his coffee.

"Nothing. Just... just thinking again about how soon everyone is going to know about us."

"So what?"

"You know. The homophobes, Tobio."

"It's going to be fine. Fuck them. We're happy and you're awesome and your book is amazing, so fuck them," Tobio responded.

Shoyo smiled, grateful as always for the support. "Watch your language. Ichika might hear you."

On cue, two year old Ichika waddled out of her bedroom. "Daddy, Papa. I hungry."

Hinata scooped up her tiny form and enveloped her in a big hug. "Then we better get you fed, princess."


That evening, friends starting arriving around six o'clock. First to arrive were Daichi and Suga, who had traveled from Miyagi to see their old teammates. Later came Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Asahi, and Noya. The couple welcomed their old friends with hugs and thumps on the back. Tanaka and Kiyoko showed up later, without their son and daughter in tow. They informed their hosts that their kids were at the age where they were not interested in hanging out with their parents' friends.

Yachi, Takeda-sensei, and Coach Ukai were all present, along with former teammates from the Black Jackals, Adlers and JNT. Kuroo and Kenma came as well.

By seven o'clock, the food and drinks were being steadily consumed and it was time for Shoyo to sign books. He sat down at the kitchen table while Bokuto yelled loudly "Okay you volleyball idiots. Ninja Shoyo is ready to sign books, so line up!"

Tobio was holding Ichika, who immediately wanted her Daddy (Shoyo) as soon as it looked like he was too busy for her.

"Daddy!" she yelled.

"Yes, baby?" answered Shoyo. She held out her arms to him, asking to be held.

"Ichika, I'm busy right now. Stay with Papa for a while, okay?"

"No! Want Daddy!"

"I can't right now, honey."

She pouted. "What's Daddy doing?"

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