Chapter 18: Coach

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The next year, 2035


Shoyo, Tobio and Ichika were outside playing with the new volleyball Ichika had gotten for Christmas. It was cold and they were bundled up in winter jackets, hats and gloves, but Ichika had insisted they play because she wanted to play EVERY DAY.

"Teach me how to 'ceive, Papa," Ichika yelled to Tobio.

He laughed, "Okay, honey, I'll show you how to RECEIVE. Here, you put your arms like this and then when the ball comes, you hit it like this."

He moved her arms into position and showed her how the ball should hit. Despite her heavy coat, the weight of the ball stung her arms a bit. She scowled. "Papa, that hurts," she pouted.

"You'll get used to it, sweetheart," Shoyo added.

"But it hurts, Daddy!" she whined.

"Ichika, honey, we talked about this. This is part of volleyball. If you want to go to the Olympics like Daddy and Papa, you have to get used to how this feels."

She scowled some more and appeared to think. Finally she decided. "I want to be in the Bolympics like Daddy and Papa!"

"Okay, then let's keep practicing," Tobio said gently.

So they practiced a little while longer, and the complaints about it hurting fell by the wayside as Ichika practiced more. When they were all good and frozen, Shoyo said they were done for the day and Ichika's little red nose and red cheeks scrunched up with disapproval. However, Tobio promised her hot cocoa and her little eyes lit up instead.

When they made it back inside, shed their coats and boots and hats, Shoyo found his phone and realized he had missed a call from Coach Ukai.

"Hey Tobio, I missed a call from Ukai. I'm going to the other room to call him back."

"Okay," replied Tobio as he held Ichika's hand and led her to the kitchen where he started to heat the water for their cocoa.

Shoyo walked back into the bedroom for some privacy and called Coach's number.

"Hello, this is Ukai."

"Coach, hey, this is Hinata. Sorry I missed your call."

"How are you, Ginger? Family doing okay? Book sales good?"

"Yes, Coach, everything's going really well. Tobio and I were just teaching Ichika how to receive."

"Ha, that's cute. Listen, there's a reason I called. I know you said at the signing that you were interested in a coaching job. That still true?"

"Yes, sir."

"Any offers yet?"

"None yet. Why?"

"Well, I have a proposition for you."


A few moments later, Shoyo came back to the kitchen, pale and looking like he'd seen a ghost. Tobio and Ichika were drinking their hot cocoa at the kitchen table, while Ichika babbled on about the 'Bolympics.' Tobio was watching her, thinking how cute it was that she called it the 'Bolympics', when he noticed Shoyo.

"Sho, what's wrong? Is everything okay with Ukai?"

Shoyo said nothing at first, just took an empty seat at the table and looked at his husband.

"What's wrong babe? Please tell me."

Shoyo searched for words. "Tobio, coach Ukai is retiring. He asked... he asked if I wanted to take his place." Silence for a moment.

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