Reunion (Finale)

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Lucy stretched herself out tiredly. She finally had a day off from the office which is why she woke up so early on a weekend. More time to enjoy the day free from being a therapist. She turned in her bed feeling nothing but sheets and blanket.

That's odd. She thought to herself.

She looked around the place curously. Bathroom was empty and so was the bedroom. She continued with her morning and took a shower. When she was done she got her stuff from her drawer and dressed herself. She looked in the mirror seeing the scars in the mirror as she did.

"Still so beautiful." she heard behind her. She turned around still in her bra as she looked at the messy haired Jess. She smiled softly.

"I was looking for you." she chuckled.

"In the shower drain?" he asked taking a strand of her wet hair.

She smiled, "Why weren't you in bed this morning?" she asked.

He pulled out from behind his back a bag of donuts and coffee. "Luke's delivers now?" she chuckled and took it kissing his cheek.

"It does for you." he said before taking his own coffee and sitting down on the bed with it. "No work today right?" he asked.

"Nope." she smiled putting her shirt on quickly before sitting beside him with the coffee. She took a glazed donut from the bag and ate it. "So," she said her mouth slightly full, "I think we should go to the fall festival.."

Jess groaned.

"And...we help Miss Patty and Babette decorate the table." she finished her thought and looked at him.

"Did you not learn the last time you tried decorating for one of their stupid events?"

She smiled, "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." she said, "Besides that was years ago-and I already promised I would." she said. "Suki's pumpkin pies are gonna be there...your favorite?" she coerced him.

He smiled briefly, "Alright alright, we'll go, but on one condition." he said. "Yeah? We'll actually get to sit down and enjoy it okay? Let Taylor do the micromanaging for the event." he said. She nodded, "Okay." she said excitedly. "Get dressed, we have to be there early." she said.

"Alright alright just keep your socks on."


Jess kept his hands in his jackets and sighed. He looked at her for a minute before back at the very festive orange and red leaf themed chaos infront of them. They always always knew how to be extra in this tiny town.

"Jess! Help!" Lucy called.

He quickly unfolded his hands from his jacket and directed his attention to Lucy trying to carry trays of assorted pies to the table. "I knew you liked pie but this is overdoing it a little isn't it?" he teased her.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Mr. Moody." she retorted sarcastically as she set down the trays with Jess. "For your information, last minute Taylor decided to have a pie making contest, followed by a pie eating contest."

"With who?"

"Who else?" she chuckled.

"TAYLOR!" Luke yelled approaching Taylor hurriedly. Taylor hid behind Miss Patty, "Ah -ah-ah! Luke! Abide by the rules, the contest doesn't involve violence, any punches thrown are a direct violation of the rules and cause for expulsion--"

"Can it Taylor-I know you took my idea for the white chocolate pretzel pie-you heard me talking about it with Babette the other day." he pointed.

"I did nothing of a sort. When inspiration strikes it strikes." he shrugged feigning innocence. "How could I have possibly guessed we have the same idea at the same time." He shrugged.

"You know what? It's fine—doesn't bother me at all. I've got four more pie recipes that'll blow yours out of the water." He rolled his eyes.

"I sincerely doubt it Luke." He rolled his eyes before going back to his side of the pie contest set up.

Jess caught Lucy smiling at this exchange and couldn't help but smile himself. She looked at him finally realizing he had been staring. She blushed dark "I'm not going to embarrass you for staring but.." she moved closer to him, "I do love how you were."

Jess smiled; taking her closer by the waist. "Something for you to get used to I guess." He said before giving her a gentle kiss as the noise of the festival surrounded them.

"Lorelai! Stop eating the pies before the competition!" Luke yelled. "Give me pie or give me death!" She argued.

"Taylor!" Babette rasped "The leaf painting station was knocked over by the wind-!"

"No need to freak out Babette, this isn't the first time, just follow proper procedure-" he replied.

"Kurt for the last time, your interpretive dance will never fit into the little girls fall dance performance." Miss Patty interrupted Kurt's objections.

As Jess and Lucy's kiss parted she could only pay attention to him amongst the madness. And similarly Jess' eyes didn't fight for attention when looking into hers. "I love you." He told her. She looked at him. That phrase was music to her ears coming from him. Better than any playlist she could ever obsessively listen to.

One single.

That she would play on a loop.

"I love you too Jess Mariano." She replied to his song, finishing the chorus with another kiss.

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