Chapter Eight

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I awake with a gasp. The nightmare continues. I'm in a dark void with seemingly nowhere to go. I walk for a while before seeing light in the distance.  I start to run. I don't know how long it's been but it felt like days. I finally get to the light source. It's a giant orb. Memories start to replay around me, making me tear up at them. "Davi Marie Rayne." The orb says. "It is I, your goddess, Hecate. I hope you are doing well. I know it's been rough. I can tell you've been training mentally. It will soon be time to get your forms. For now, there will be challenges. You are the prophecy of gods and goddesses alike. You are chosen to be the gray area. The mixture of good and evil. Light and Dark. Morality is your function, rather good or bad." The orb transforms into a beautiful goddess. I bow my head respectfully. I then look at her. She had long flowing black hair and a golden crown with a sideways crescent moon on it. She had on a simple red gown with a torch in her hand that burned eternally. There is a large snake draped around her neck. She had bright green eyes that stared with intensity.

"Now if you are done analyzing me, we need to continue. It's time for you to transform into your goddess form. But first: Will you and your mates stay on Glaephia or will you rise to the heavens above?" She asks seriously. I frown at the thought. "Well, I should stay on Glaephia to help all who need it." She smiles. "I like your thought process. Just know it will be a much harder road than if you joined us in the heavens." She presses her hand on my head and says, "You will now have the choice to transform at will. Use this wisely." I nod and ask, "Can I give it a try?" She gives a soft laugh and says, "Later. Right now you will need a god who will balance out my light. Loki arise." And as she said that Loki appears. He gives a reckless smile. "Hey, kid. How ya doin'?" I smile. "He will be your protector and carer at least until you get your forms." Hecate says, "If you ever need me just say my name three times before sleeping and I will come unto you. Now you must transform. Think of your fondest memory. Think of how happy you are helping others. Embrace that light and release it." I nod and do what she says. I feel myself change. I have big white wings, a silver crown, teal horns that match my teal dress, and blue flats. And in a blinding light, I hear. "Remember this: You can change what happens in your life. Your choices matter most. Make the right one and you will be rewarded." I nod and in a flash, I awake

Familiar faces surround me along with what seems like a doctor. "She seems to have gone through some sort of vision. She seems to be responding. Davi are you okay?" He says slowly. I nod and rub my throat and let out a cough. The stranger smiles. "How about you two leave and get her some water. I need to talk to her and make sure she is ok." Stella nods and she takes everyone out of the room. As soon as the door was closed. "Are you ok, Davi?" I nod cautiously. He sighs. "Really trust-building? Listen I'm another god here to help you on your way." He pauses. "First let me do this." He claps his hands and everything goes white around us. "There we have as much time as we need here. Anyways want to show off your form to me? I'll do the same. All you have to do is think of the happiest memory you have. The positivity or negativity causes you to transform. And when you hit a certain age you get automatically enrolled into Keynorth Academy. It's a demigod school to learn how to properly use your powers. Unlike cliche movies, it doesn't matter if you are good or bad cause its all a big gray area. Everyone plays a part and that's what matters. But when you get accepted you choose a field to help the Glaephian race. It's your choice." I smile. "What's your name?" I ask. "Hermes is the name, navigation is the game. I help gods and demigods on their way. And you are a special case. I won't be watching all the time but I will help make big decisions. So what did your guardians say you were?" I think for a second. "Well, they said Morality was my power. They said it would be a gray area." Hermes smirked at that. "Well looks like you're pretty dang powerful. Now name time. What is a name you could go by?" I look down in thought and immediately shoot back up and say, "Dice." He gives an odd look, "Cause that's all life is, a dice roll." He smirks and nods. "Well, Dice you need rest. If you need me chant my name three times. It must be spoken unbroken." I nod and he leaves, leaving me to think.

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