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Welcome to the introduction to the second of my eight ONC projects this year as I'm that crazy and once stories get stuck in my head I've got to write them. It's not necessarily a positive thing.

What prompt did you use?

I'm using prompt one for this one. "You plan to go rock climbing, so you head to the local sporting goods store to buy some new equipment. While on the mountain, you run into some problems."

What fandom are you writing for?

The fandom for this story is Stardew Valley which is a farming simulator game.

What do readers not familiar with the fandom need to know?

Sebastian being on the spectrum and also being of mixed Asian heritage is headcanon, not canon, but a headcanon that fits within the canon material as we know absolutely nothing about his actual biological father. Actually, the game is pretty open to letting the players build their own headcanon, and I like going with Demetrius being the frustrated step-father who is honestly trying and just not clicking properly with his autistic step-son rather than taking what Sebastian says at face value, particularly since there are signs Sebastian suffers from social anxiety issues and depression. Which, yes, the story will also cover Sebastian's issues with those as well.

What is the inspiration for the story?

I have actually written some one-shots involving Sebastian and his dad doing climbing. They weren't the best and were done to try and get out of my head what the other side of Sebastian's family is as it's almost never covered in fanfic and when it is, it's always just Sebastian's dad and he's practically never portrayed in a positive light because everyone assumes the reason why Sebastian's dad is no longer with his mom.

Which does bring me to a bit of a warning in that I do not actually recommend going climbing without a helmet as Sebastian is going to end up doing. Of course, when I researched helmet use I found it's not as standard as it should be, and Sebastian is the type of character to forgo that particular safety gear. It's something I plan on Maru at the very least chewing him out for later on, if not others as well.

How did I incorporate the prompt?

I used the prompt as the main plot for the story. Sebastian from Stardew Valley decides to take up mountain climbing again and goes to buy some new equipment, but while up in the mountain an earthquake occurs and he learns that his brand new equipment is actually faulty.

He's left injured on the trail which is blocked by rubble meaning he has to wait for rescue which in turn leads to everyone in the valley, plus two siblings from his father's side (Sebastian's father is never explored in canon) who came to visit worrying about him as well as what he does while stuck there waiting for rescue and the plans to rescue him.

Sebastian has to also deal with his depression issues (hinted at in canon) while up in the mountain by himself waiting while Maru faces the fact she's not ever really understood her older brother, such as him being of a different mixed ethnicity than his sister Maru (the Stardew Valley equivalent to Eurasian) as well as his autistic traits (possible interpretation of the canon).

Word Progress

Chapter 1 - 1,386
Chapter 2 - 2,489
Chapter 3 - 3,604
Chapter 4 - 4,946
Chapter 5 - 6,146
Chapter 6 - 7,189
Chapter 7 - 8,632
Chapter 8 - 9,903
Chapter 9 - 10,959
Chapter 10 - 12,048
Chapter 11 - 13,211
Chapter 12 - 14,452
Chapter 13 - 15,828
Chapter 14 - 17,053 (was chapter 13)
Chapter 15 - 18,073 (was chapter 14)
Chapter 16 - 19,357
Chapter 17 - 21,216 fin

Rock Between Us (Stardew Valley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now