Up to Down

12 1 0

Wind in the face.

Adrenaline pumping.

Sebastian didn't think there would be anything which would ruin his good mood once he arrived home, yet—

He should have known better, or so Sebastian told himself as he found himself glaring at Maru, who decided to come and find him at the exact moment he started opening the garage door so he could pull his bike inside. Seeing her there, obviously, or perhaps seemingly wanting something from him, made him feel nervous.

Sebastian said nothing, waiting for her to say something, and instead pulled his bike into the garage. Maru followed after him, stepping into the garage. "So..."

He continued ignoring her, never knowing what to say and do around any of his half-siblings to the point he'd long ago given up trying to fit in with them. Sebastian opened his motorcycle seat bag and pulled out the bag containing the mountain gear he had just purchased.

"What's that?" Maru said, pointing at the bag.

Sebastian frowned, looking down at the bag. His dark eyes opened and closed before he turned to look at Maru. "I've got the distinct feeling this isn't what you wanted to talk to me about. What did you want?"

"Is there something wrong with me attempting to make small talk with you?"

His head turned, looking at the bag in his head, feeling confused. "It's out of the norm."

"Seriously!" The way Maru's voice rose made Sebastian turn his head to look at his sister.

His dark eyes widened, seeing her cheeks puff out. "Seriously, not cute, Maru!"

"Just because it's out of the norm doesn't mean it's wrong."

"That's not what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?"

"I just confused as to why."

"Because..." Maru stopped short.

Sebastian felt his chest tighten, the fact she couldn't come up with an answer—he knew it bothered him, hated that it did. He looked up at the ceiling, a thought suddenly occurring to him. "Wait. Isn't small talk—what is small talk?"

"Are you an idiot?"

His head snapped, and he glared. "I'm not liking this small talk if this is what small talk is supposed to be."


"Please stop doing that." Sebastian let out a sigh, looking down at his bag. "Look. I'm heading inside now."

"Hold on. What's in the bag?"

Sebastian glanced up again, his fingers tightening around the handle of the bag. "As I said, I don't think this is what you intended to talk to me about, so what was it?"

"I really don't understand what goes on in that head of yours."

He felt his eye twitch, looking at her. He was sure he was giving her a look of irritation, and that would make her even more irritated with him. "That's it?"

"Didn't you hear me say I just wanted to make small talk?"

"About what though?"

"What's in the bag?"

"Seriously." Which he'd already told her to stop saying. "You didn't see the bag when you started talking to me, so what is it that you wanted to talk to me about."

"I'm not sure how to put this," Maru said, her hands tucked behind her back as she stood there, glasses on her face while wearing her overalls.


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