Hard Place

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The sound of a relatively heavy cardboard box from somewhere outside of the kitchen was accompanied by a string of curses, and there was only one of the members of the family who used such language. Maru winced, pushing herself away from the kitchen table to see what caused Sebastian to let out a string of curses.

She headed down the long hallway leading away from the kitchen. Family photos lined the hallway, showing their family—herself being a blend of her parents having inherited her mother 's red hair and skin tone just a shade lighter than her father's. At the same time, her older half-brother stood out with his pale skin, dark hair, and distinct eye shape.

At the junction, she turned left, heading away from the bedrooms of her parents and herself towards her father 's lab and the stairs which led down into Sebastian's basement room which was at the very end of the hallway. And there was her father and Sebastian attempting to clean up the mess in front of the closet just outside of her father's lab.

"Careful!" Demetrius snapped at Sebastian, grabbing his hand.

Maru sucked in her breath, watching as her older brother—her half-brother, jerked his head up from where he was attempting to pick up the items which had fallen out of the cardboard box. Yet, if anybody 's look could kill, Maru would argue the look Sebastian gave her father was just that. "You're stupid experiment's already ruined, so there's nothing...."

"Broken glass!" Demetrius said, his voice straining. "Just, don't move. Not when you're not wearing shoes."

"I..." Sebastian started to retort, making Maru grimace, not remembering a time when the two got along with each other.

"Do you want your mother to kill us both?"

Of course, there was one person nobody in the family wanted to get on the wrong side of, although Sebastian came close whenever he gave their mother a gag gift of rocks. Certain things went on in her brother 's head that left her not wanting to know, even wishing she had a typical brother who acted like an older brother instead.

And this was one of those days as her father muttered something, including a few choice words, which were the closest her father ever got to cursing. Demetrius looked up at her. "Oh. Could you make sure he doesn't move?"

"Oh. Nice," Sebastian snapped back. "I don't need a babysitter."

"Just let me get this swept up," Demetrius said. "And don't touch the chemicals either!"

Maru decided to lean up against the wall, dressed in her usual jean overalls while her brother was in his typical head to toe black clothing. "So..."

"What?" He snapped, glaring at her.

"How'd you end up on the floor on one knee like that?"

"I was trying to pick up the stuff in the box," Sebastian snapped.

Which was the most confusing thing to do with broken glass and chemicals spread on the floor. Maru 's lips pushed together. "I worry about you."

"Do you really?" His tone of voice was sarcastic, but the look on his face said he didn't believe her.

"Sometimes. Honestly, I don't understand what goes on in that head of yours."

"That..." Sebastian's eyes suddenly widened, but Maru knew from that particular look her words stung. His eyes quickly relaxed and his normal emotionless expression returned. He then said in a rather childlike manner, almost as if pleading with her, "I'm normal."

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