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"I'm here."

There was no mistaking the shock on his brother's face as he approached him. Yet, Yuichiro honestly didn't have time to think about whatever was going on in Sebastian's head at that moment. However, there was that one thought in the back of his head that this, the way Sebastian was right now, was definitely not usual, and he was definitely injured.

He turned, his hand resting on the handle of the blade Marlon brought him before he climbed over, thinking he wouldn't need it as he headed down the trail. Except he did. He moved forward, not hesitating, doing as his father taught him—taught Sebastian as well, yet it was ever so obvious Sebastian, who was always considered better at this, couldn't. And down the slimes went, splattering against the walls of the trail.


"Now I can focus on him," the thought, turning, only—

He stared, feeling a chill run down his spine at how Sebastian was staring off into space, meaning he was likely in shock, but for how long he'd been in such a state—


"I'm hallucinating, right?"

Yuichiro held back a sigh and instead went down on one knee, gently reaching out with a hand to cup Sebastian's chin, lifting his head so he could look him in the eye despite knowing how much he hated that, yet he needed Sebastian to know. "I'm real. I'm really here."

And then there was panic, a lack of understanding in Sebastian's eyes, and that fear of rejection he'd always caught a glimpse of whenever Sebastian looked him in the eye after something had gone wrong, never saying anything. Still, this time, he managed to squeak something out. "Why are you here?"

"You didn't read my message, did you?"

He suddenly didn't know if the labored breathing was because Sebastian was injured or because he was panicking. As Sebastian tried looking away, no did look away; he placed the blade on the ground, ready to pick up the sword at a moment's notice if he needed to. Gently, he cusped his brother's face, not at all liking what was going on, let alone how he was taking on the role of being the older brother.

Except, this time, it was different. "I'm not mad at you."

Sebastian didn't respond.

"Hear me. I'm not mad." He gently lowered his forehead to Sebastian, remembering how it was the one form of touch that Sebastian quickly accepted, as it wasn't too much touching. "I'm here. I'm here because I care, though I admit finding you like this isn't how I wanted to rekindle our relationship."

"I'm sorry," Sebastian muttered. "For being a lousy brother."

"You're just you. It took me a bit of time to realize that, but I missed you being you around me. And Sannon's waiting."

"Wh—mm." And there was another panic.


"Don't want her..."

"I know. You don't want her to see you like this. Maru either, right?" He watched Sebastian's eyes clenched shut. "You're in a lot of pain, aren't you?" Silence. "Sebastian, please?"

"Yes. I'm in a lot of pain."

"Okay. Got it. Please be patient with me while I give you a once over, and let me know if I move you in a way that hurts?" To which no response came, so, "Okay?"


And he felt one of Sebastian's hands suddenly gripping his, an excellent firm grip meaning there was a definite fight there. Still, the other—Yuichiro didn't like how it was limp at his side, having dropped Sebastian's blade, meaning he'd have been struggling to fight with an injured arm, probably also some lower injury.

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