Chapter 8 - part 2

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  Korey Rodi surrounded herself with demons. She could not begin to imagine what her mother would say.

"Where do we start." A statement, not a question.

Jax pulled a comedically large map out of his lapel pocket, spreading it out on the kitchen island. It was the city she recognized except for the thin film, like double-vision, scribbled over it. Strange marking and diagrams spread over the parchment like spider webs. "This is where we are." He marked the spot with a salt shaker. "These are where the Rifts have appeared." A dozen or so sugar packets scattered across the sheet. "This is where," his eyes flickered towards Korey, "the Reaper was last seen."

Korey stared at the map for the longest time. Her hands clenched into fists; there was no pattern. "Tell me your demon-vision sees something I don't."

"We're not demons," Aides muttered, his face pulled tight in concentration. There was something in the purse of his lip that grabbed Korey's insides and curled them up into a terrible disarray.

"Marvin and I could track the girl's scent," offered Cate, twirling her ruby hair in a purely predatory motion. "Start at the apartment, trace the Reaper's path."

Jax shook his head. "There are too many Rifts; the moment it crosses over, the scent will be lost."

"What about Sabrina?" The demons shrunk from Korey's stare.

Korey knew Sabrina was not her companions' mission. It was their lack of response, however, that sent the last thread of hope crumbling from her heart. To her credit, Korey did not let it show. Already, the warmth ebbed, replaced by cold, emotionless grief. Korey would find Sabrina, no matter the cost. Korey would burn the very skin off the world to find her. And it scared her.

Aides watched the raven-haired girl with a dangerous interest. He watched her expression melt, then reforge into something clipped, cool, and haunting. Korey eyed the map sharper than any bird, her small hands curled into talons. Aides knew that look. Aides dreaded that look. The Dark Lord grieved that look.

A silver, imperceptible tear escaped the immortal's eye. "Start where it began."


The alley behind the Wraith Club took on a melancholy gloom in the day. Light filtered through splintered glass, casting shadows like bruises upon Korey's skin. She stalked past the trash bin she was resurrected from. Broken bottles cut into the soles of her sneakers. Korey placed her hand upon the cool brick wall, feeling for cracks. Jax, Cate, and Marvin studied the alley behind her.

"This is where the Rift was," she called behind her, keeping her eyes focused on the brick.

Jax shouldered beside her, the edge of his shirt brushing her exposed arm. It was soft - softer than her own borrowed apparel. Greed begged her to tear it off him and make it her own. "Stop staring," he muttered.

Korey jolted back, anger catching her cheeks aflame. "I wasn't staring."

"Try telling your eyes that." Jax's mouth widened in a smackable grin. "I don't mind you ogling, Rodi. Just try to be more discrete about it."

"Shut up," she grunted, letting her nails dig into the soft grout between bricks.

"I'm flattered, really –"

"Say another word, and see who's laughing next." The shadows darkened in the alley, though instead of casting bruises, the darkness wrapped them like ghosts.

The man was silent. He even started helping. Korey only wished she could have had this power without losing some deep-rooted part of herself.

The shadows were ravenous, and they feasted on more than just light.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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