Cutthroat & Courier

19 1 0

Akudama drive

Ride or die

Both are willing to kill for their darling that being said there is going to be a lot of bloody messes with those two.

Both are very protective of their darling. Always keeping a close eye on them.

Out of the two cutthroat is a lot clinger then courier.

Out of the two courier dose have an easier time getting close to his darling.

However, cutthroat gets more time with their darling considering courier's work.

Courier more or less let's cutthroat run wild but a controlled run wild. (If it involves their darling courier thinks twice about it.)

Both get one on one time with their darling but when its cutthroats turn courier is always somewhere nearby watching over them. Cutthroat pouts whenever it's courier's turn.

The reason courier is so cautious around cutthroat when it comes to their darling is because there is a chance that (spoiler warning?) what cutthroat tried to do to Swindler in one of the few last episodes.

In the end even if there is a chance of death, they aren't the worst yanderes to have. (Mainly because of courier.) It's a nice cold and warm mix with those two. Both do care for their darling; they just show it at different levels. 

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