Peko Pekoyama with a very affectionate, charismatic and down to earth darling

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Danganronpa v2

This type of darling makes her feel...something. She isn't too sure what to call it but knows it was more than just her love for them. It's softer, calmer.

She loves the affection they give her no matter how big or small.

To her their charismatic and down to earth ways just add to the list of why she has come to care for them so.

She is still watchful of them as well as the people around them.

She does know that with a darling like this people are bound to come around. She won't let them get too close though.

This type of darling could calm her if only for a moment.

However, she could also get more intense given that she would start to want them all to herself even more. 

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