Peko Pekoyama with a darling that has the same Ultimate as her

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Danganronpa v2

She is going to learn what they can actually do; so, she will stalk her darling before she even approaches them.

She studies their abilities until she feels like she has everything she needs.

This includes not only watching them but also sparring with them.

She does her best to try not to hurt them but also makes it look like she is treating them as an equal fighter.

After she knows she can take them on in a fight is when her yandere side really starts coming out.

She is a little more lenient since she knows they can defend themselves but is still very watchful with them.

She is curious as to why they decided to pick up a sword of all things and actually learn how to use it in a fight.

During their sparring sessions she makes sure not to let them know about her tricks or even how great she actually is. 

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