Chapter 3: New Friend

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In the next day, which it was Sunday. I found my mother at the living room, sitting on the couch while reading a book. Hearing the bird's tweeting coming from outside. It was peaceful this day. "Good morning, mother", I greeted her which made her turn to see me, still holding a book, and gave me a smiled, "good morning, my dear", she said with a sweet motherly tone. I walked towards the dining room and there, the food was all served and prepared, but it was weird that it has only one plate with spoon and fork. Mother was done eating since she woke up very early to prepare those and for my sister well, I don't know what was going on with her but she seem acting weird starting when she introduce me to her new friend. Getting off with that topic, I sat down on a wooden chair and prepared my food, after that I started to eat. Then suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and soon it stopped, "good morning, mommy~", my sister greeted our mother since I heard it.

"Good morning, sweetie", mother greeted back and as I thought. Rin was here to check what was the breakfast to serve this day. But I knew she wasn't going to eat, "Good morning, brother~!", Rin said in a cheerful tone, she was always been like that even though she feel depressed, lonely, or sad. She always keep herself positive to hide the pain, but I think that keeping positive and cheery helps to relief some negative thoughts running through her mind. "Good morning, Rin", I greeted back and she stood beside me, looking at the food, she approached to where the bananas and oranges placed and picked one of her favorite fruits. "Hey, brother, I'll ask mom if we can go to the beach with her!", she said as she went out, heading to the living room.

Minutes later, when I was done eating, Rin went back with a frown, "we can't go to the beach with mommy, brother", in a tone of sad. I looked at her and smiled, "don't worry, we'll go tomorrow".

"Really?", I nodded and carried the empty plate with spoon and fork, and passed by Rin saying, "yes, I can't break that since it's your favorite place to watch the sunset", Rin smiled again and happily said, "yay, you're the best big brother I ever have!". I chuckled and when Rin turned to exit which including me, Lily blocked our way with her arms, crossing. "You can't go to the beach this day because we have to clean this dusty house", Rin seemed pretty excited since her smile was bright once again, "yay, cleaning!". Lily nodded and looked at me, "Lenny, my dear, don't be lazy okay?" She said and I nodded, giving up, "yup, I won't".

"Rin, you sweep the floor by using the broom, is that okay, sweetie?", Rin nodded again and walked to where the broom and dust pan was placed, "can I wash the dishes after I sweep the floor, mother?", she half yelled so we could hear what she was saying, "of course, sweetie, you can!", mother yelled back in a sweet tone, "yay~!". Lily then, glanced at me, "my dear, please clean your room and help me reorganize the books?", I couldn't say no to my mother, because she's my mother. So, I agreed and walked passed by her, going to the kitchen and placed it to the sink. After that, I went to my room and fixed my stuffs. It took thirty minutes for me to fixed everything and clean my room but it was okay, a part of exercise I guess. After that, I went down stairs as I heard my mother saying, "I'll check your room if that's well fixed properly, but for now help me to reorganize those books".

Mother and I took out all of the books from the shelf while Rin was sweeping, we reorganized the books back to the shelf which it took us more than minutes since mother has a lot of it. Finally when we're finished, I heard a running water coming from the kitchen which made me checked to see Rin washing the dishes, she really does enjoy the water, that's why she loves to clean. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, mother was seriously wanted to see my room if it was all ready well fixed and clean. "Honey, you did it great!", mother said when she went down stairs and gave me a smile, "go on, take a bath, do whatever you want".

So, I did took a bath and after that, I took on my clothes which it was blue shirt and black shorts, I went down stairs to continue my reading, grabbed the book from the shelf once again and flipped the page to where I stopped. While reading, I heard my phone notification rang, I took a look to see what was up.

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