CHP 12

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Ani woke up in jerk and found himself inside his study room .

"What was that , is my bondita alright , ofcourse she must be it's just a dream anirudh don't think so much about it" Ani said to himself

"Anirudh what happened child" a women in her forties asked before coming inside the study

"Nothing maa I just saw a bad dream that's all" Ani said

"Are you sure ,you are alright ,you even came back from college so early today, is everything okay "shubhra asked

"Yes maa don't worry I am all good" Ani said fake smiling

"Fine "shubhra said unsatisfied with his answer


In das haveli , in bon's room,

Mini sweety suarabh and nil were in her room while doctor was dressing bon's wound . All of them went to meet bon as they were tensed for her. They even asked Ani to come with them but he refused to go. Arvind and thakuma was also standing .

"What happened doc "arvind asked as the doctor finished bon's dressing

"Nothing serious mr arvind she is alright , you should be thankful that her head didn't get much hurted otherwise it might be more dangerous" doctor said

"But why did she suddenly went unconscious "thakuma asked

"She was having fever from last night but seems like she didn't take good care of herself because of which she got high fever and she went unconscious "doc said

"When will she get her consciousness" mini asked

"Soon..." doctor said

"Thank you doc let me send you out_ arvind said before going with the doc

"This girl what should I do with you haan" thakuma said before sitting beside bon

"Thakuma don't worry baby will get well soon" sweety said

"I know but what should I do , the moment she got to know about that girl misbehaving with that boy she directly ran from the house without thinking twice about her health "thakuma said

"She really loves him "suarabh said

"Yes indeed" nil said

Soon arvind came there

"There is something I want to inform you all" arvind said

"What happened arvind" thakuma asked

"Not here maasi let's go downstairs" arvind said before leaving

Everyone too left behind him

"What happened uncle "mini asked

"Actually bondita is getting transferred to different college" arvind said

"What but uncle believe us it really wasn't bondita's fault" sweety said

"Yes uncle "nil , mini and suarabh said together

"I know but it's really important for her to transfer for her good" arvind said


Bon got transferred to different college, she didn't went against arvind as she love him more than anything .

Days passed into months, months passed into years . It been three year since anidita's separation . Anidita completed their studies one year ago . Ani Started working in RC company while bon too started helping her father in his business . All this year Ani understood the fact that he loves her but he was afraid that bon might reject him because of the incident in the past . While bon still loved him and never ever looked at Any other boy .

In das haveli , in bon's room,

Bon was working in laptop siting in bed when arvind and thakuma came to her room . They knocked the door

"Arey baba thakuma please come inside why are you knocking the door" bon said Before keeping the laptop aside

"Princess there is something we want to tell you "arvind said

"Yes baba" bon said

"We fixed your marriage" thakuma said making bon get up from bed in jerk

"What!!! "Bon said shockingly

"Yes we fixed your marriage" arvind said

"How can you do this baba despite of knowing that how much I love Ani still you want me to marry someone else no way "bon said angrily

"Bondita child first look at his pic then tell us if you really want to marry him or not" thakuma said forwarding a envelope towards her

"No way I won't look at anyone except my Ani "bon said looking at other side

"Princess Please look at the pic once" arvind requested

"No no no no" bon said

"Bondita please baccha just once and if you really don't like him then tell us we will cancel the marriage really" thakuma said

Bon looks at the envelope and then towards thakuma , she takes the envelope and opens it . As soon as she saw the pic a big smile came in her face .


Guys tell me who's pic was that???

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Till then bye bye

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