CHP 40

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"Anirudh...."bon murmurs shockingly

Yes the person was Ani , after cleaning his kurta when he was about go at hall he hears everything and blood Started boiling inside him , he directly took a glass from the waiter who was going upstairs and throws it making a loud sound .

Ani went towards bon and stood between her and mami

"How dare you all say such things to my bondita haan" ani yells

"You don't know anything about her she killed her mother" one of the person said

"Killed her mother seriously you are saying a child who just came in the world killed her mother wow what a logic is it "Ani said Clapping

"What do you mean by this "the other one asked

"Bondita's mother died while giving birth to her , where the fault is her" Ani yells

"The fault is that if she wasn't born then sumati would have not to die because of bondita "mami said irritatingly

Why was he taking side of bondita , shouldn't he take her's side

"Sumati already knew about it" a voice came from behind

Everyone looks behind only to find das family and RC family was standing there

"That's because sumati already knew that she had some complications in her pregnancy because of which she can even die but she chooses to give birth to her child then what is bondita's fault in it "shubhra asked angrily

"You yourself is a mother if it was you in place of sumati then what would you have done ( to everyone ) haan what would you all have done" Ani asked angrily

Everyone in the hall looks down while bon cries silently , she couldn't control her emotions anymore and runs towards her room .

"From the first day I felt something odd about you and today I got to know about it, how can you do such things haan she is your husband's sister's daughter" Ani yells

"Long back in bondita's birthday you did the same thing because of which she never ever celebrated her birthday and now..." thakuma said angrily while Ani looks at her shockingly

His bondita was suffering from when and he didn't even knew about it

"What how can you do that haan how can you I swear if you were not my bondita's mami then I would have not leave you so easily but remember if you tried to hurt her again then I will make sure that you pay for her each and every pain" Ani said before running behind bon towards her room

In bon's room ,

Bon was laying on bed over her stomach and crying while Ani enters the room and looks the door . He goes towards her and sits beside her and caresses her hair 

"Bondita....get up dear" Ani said before making her sit in bed

Bon hugs him tightly and cries bitterly

" won't leave me right" bon asked sobbing

"Why would I leave you "Ani asked caressing her head

"Because"bon wasn't able to speak due to her cry

"Shh....shh it's not your fault bondita it was sumati ma's decision to give birth to you despite of knowing the complications about her pregnancy .

why did she did so because she wanted to give you birth ,she wanted you to come in this world even if she have to leave this world , she always wanted you to stay happy because she loves you but that doesn't mean that it was your fault.

whatever happened was already written in your destiny and you can't change it but because of this you can't stop living your life bondita , you have so many people who loves you so much , don't get upset on what people says , that's their work to say thinks behind others back" Ani explained to bon while holding her hand


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Till then bye bye

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