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This story starts at the Netherfield Ball of Pride and Prejudice. Up to this point it has followed the original plot line of Jane Austen's novel up where my story now takes over. For those who don't know the original novel and characters well, here is a summary of what you need to know up to this point.

**Some of these may differ slightly from the original book**


The Netherfield Party

Mr Charles Bingley - 27 years old, a wealthy man, originally from trade, who is interested in purchasing the Netherfield estate so has rented it out for a year to see if it suits. A handsome amiable man who enjoys socialising. He is instantly struck by the beauty of Miss Jane Bennet. Best friends with Mr Darcy since university.

Miss Caroline Bingley - 23 years old, Mr Bingley's sister. She is a snob and considers herself above everyone else in Meryton. Has plans to marry Mr Darcy and does everything she can to get his attention.

Mrs Louisa Hurst - 25 years old, Charles and Caroline Bingley's sister, married to Mr Hurst. Despite being older and married she still follows her younger sister;s lead in most things.

Mr Hurst - 30 years old, Louisa's husband. A lazy man who mostly drinks, eats and sleeps.

Mr Darcy - 28 years old, a handsome wealthy man who owns half of Derbyshire including the impressive estate of Pemberly. Best friends with Bingley he has travelled with him to Netherfield to help him learn about estate management and decide if Netherfield is worth buying or not. He is very shy and does not enjoy social events as he has anxiety when talking to people he does not know well. He is a proud man who does not often show his emotions. His sister, Miss Georgiana Darcy 15 years old, is currently staying in London with his Aunt and Uncle, Lord and Lady Matlock, and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam.

The Bennet Family

Mr Bennet - a man who simply wants to be left alone. After years of dealing with his loud overbearing wife and five daughters he spends the majority of his time shut up in his study. He is aware of the silly nature of his wife and youngest daughters but cannot be bothered, nor does he care enough, to do anything about it. He considers Elizabeth his favourite daughter only because she is capable of sitting and reading in silence and has therefore been permitted over the years to spend much time with him in his study. Although not very social he is well respected within the area.

Mrs Bennet - a loud, unrefined character whose nerves about the future of her and her daughters leads to an obvious desperation to see them married well. She has clearly expressed her excitement and expectations with regards to Mr Bingley and Jane for the entire neighbourhood to hear. However her initial interest at Mr Darcy has disappeared after his rude behaviour at the assembly.

Miss Jane Bennet - 21 years old and extremely beautiful. She is kind and gracious, although a little shy. Well liked within the area and expected to make a good match due to her beauty.

Elizabeth Bennet - 20 years old, very close to Jane. Intelligent and well read. Loves the outdoors - always walking. Very social and charming, well liked by her neighbours but always compared to Jane in terms of looks and found to be decidedly less pretty.

Mary Bennet - the middle sister, 18 years old, close to none of her family, very quiet, loves music and spends most of her time practising the piano. Although she plays quite well, she often chooses the wrong pieces at the wrong times. Trying to play overly complicated pieces at gatherings and parties.

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now