Part 14 - The Search

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Lady Catherine had made another appearance in the county, though this time at Netherfield Park. Bursting into the sitting room unannounced she declared Darcy insane if he thought he was going to marry a poor unconnected country chit over her daughter. They were more than fifteen minutes into their stand off when a footman from Longbourn practically sprinted into the room with an urgent message. A message that made his head spin, his heart stop beating and all the blood drain from Darcy's face. Elizabeth was missing. No, not missing. Taken. By Wickham no less. As he reread the brief letter in disbelief Darcy felt sick to his stomach. The women he loved in the hands of his worst enemy.

"Charles, Fitzwilliam." he shouted, striding out of the sitting room in search of his friend and cousin, abandoning his aunt who was still ranting.

Charles Bingley heard his friend's cry and stuck his head out of the parlour door where Colonel Fitzwilliam, he and his sisters had been sitting trying to ignore the loud discussion that had been taking place across the hallway between nephew and aunt. Georgiana had already fled to her room to avoid her aunt.

Trying to control his terror and focus on what needed to be done Darcy quickly filled his friend and cousin in on the details, "Elizabeth has been kidnapped. It happened less than an hour ago in Netherfield woods, on the main path just before the border to Longbourn. It was Wickham." He growled through clenched teeth, his fists curling at simply having to say his name. Just wait till he got his hands on the scoundrel. "We must organise a search immediately."

Bingley stared at his friend in shock, unable to quite comprehend his words, but the look on his friend's face told him this was no jest. Colonel Fitzwilliam took charge and began shouting orders rapidly at the butler and footmen.

"I shall ride to Colonel Forster's and seek his aid. With the militia men we can cover much a greater area and I will question any of those who Wickham may have been particularly friendly with. Bingley you ride to Longbourn and begin the search from that end. Darcy, gather every servant available and start the search from here until the two parties meet. Does the note say if he had a horse or carriage?"

"It says he was on foot."

"Then he cannot have got far." Fitzwilliam gave Darcy's shoulder a squeeze of reassurance, "We will find her." Darcy gave a short nod in response and then the men departed to their tasks. None of them even glanced at the two women who had been listening to everything behind them.

"How awful," said Mrs Hurst sadly, "To be kidnapped the day before your own wedding."

"Indeed," said Caroline, fighting to contain her smile. "If you will excuse me I find this news most distressing and shall rest in my rooms for a while."

"Of course," fretted her sister, "I shall let you know if I hear any further advancements."

Caroline nodded at her sister and then slowly, trying not to appear too eager, climbed the stairs to her room. Once inside she could contain her glee no longer and let out a whoop and jump of joy. He had done it. Oh well done Wickham, she beamed.

Opening her dresser drawer she retrieved her reticule containing the £500 she had promised Wickham. Quickly putting on her cloak and boots she cautiously opened her bedroom door and checked that the coast was clear. With all of the servants having been called to help in the search her path was clear and she managed to escape the house without being seen. Or so she thought.

Louisa Hurst had been staring out of the parlour window when she saw a most peculiar sight. Her sister, who just moments ago had claimed to be in such distress as to need to retire to her room, was now racing across the Netherfield lawn. Caroline never raced anywhere. As Louisa watched her sister disappear in confusion she wondered what on earth she could be up to. Surely having just heard about a gentlewoman's kidnapping in the area she would not be stupid enough to venture out alone. Then a dawning fear began to cross Louisa's mind.

Her sister was determined and stubborn. She did not give up on the things she wanted lightly. And her sister had wanted Fitzwilliam Darcy since the first moment she had met him some 5 years ago. But still she hesitated to think that her sister would stoop this low. Surely not. But the truth was Louisa could not say with certainty that she wouldn't. Louisa knew from her childhood how brutal Caroline could be to get what she wanted.

Apprehension filled her as she tried to decide what to do. Mayhap she was wrong and Caroline was simply taking a walk, but knowing that Elizabeth Bennet's very life may be at stake Louisa decided she simply must tell someone what she had seen. Quickly racing to the front entrance hall she saw Mr Darcy issuing final instructions to the assembled staff and climbing on to his horse, preparing to ride north to search.

"Mr Darcy, wait." She cried, running down the front steps and almost tripping in her haste.

Darcy almost ignored Mrs Hurst's cry in his urgent need to get going with the search but something made him turn back.

"Mr Darcy, I'm sorry. I may be wrong, it may be nothing. I pray to God I am wrong but I could not dismiss the thought and I just had to tell someone in case it is true."

"In case what is true?" He asked impatiently.

"Caroline. I have this awful fear she had something to do with Miss Bennet's kidnapping. She said she was going to her room but I have just seen her leaving the house. Perhaps I am wrong but..."

"Which direction?" Darcy interrupted.

"South, through the rose gardens." Louisa answered quickly.

For a moment Darcy hesitated, unsure whether to believe Mrs Hurst's words. Surely Miss Bingley would not be so desperate as to stoop to kidnapping. And besides they knew the culprit. It was Wickham. But that did not stand to reason that Wickham was working alone. And in fact the more he thought about it the more it made sense. Why would Wickham take Elizabeth unless he had something to gain? Yes he hated Darcy but to commit such a crime based on that alone was not Wickham's style. There was always money involved. And Caroline Bingley had money.

The servants still stood waiting expectantly to begin and Darcy had a decision to make. North or South?

"Begin the search north as we discussed. I will go South." he declared. Then with a quick nod of acknowledgement to Mrs Hurst he urged his stallion forwards, away from the rest of the search party and around the house to go south. Miss Bingley would be on foot, he could catch up to her quickly and observe her activities. If they seemed innocent then he would return to the woods and join the search. He only hoped that wherever she was Elizabeth was unharmed and he would find her in time.

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now